The Mitt machine keeps rolling along. He mustn’t be reading the MSM reports about how Republicans aren’t happy with him since he just keeps winning. Make no doubt, the Republicans will band behind Mitt when the primaries are over (or when Santorum and Gingrich finally face reality). David’s caveat when I posted this before about Florida was “Gingrich+Santorum is basically tied with Romney, even after the millions and millions of dollars Romney spent in FL” but in Illinois Romeny beat Gingrich+Santorum combined. But maybe you’ll say Mitt didn’t beat Gingrich+Santorum+Paul combined… As for the money part of the question, I’ll repeat that Obama spent $740M to get elected vs. McCain’s $227M so is it the money or is it the candidate?
Romney 775,015 47% 41 delegates 563 total delegates
Santorum 533,118 35% 10 delegates 263 total delegates
Gingrich 222,799 9% 0 delegates 135 total delegates
Paul 117,105 7% 0 delegates 50 total delegates
that Romney’s nomination – which is indeed nearly a sure thing – will come largely from states that are going to vote for Obama in November? Illinois surely will; Michigan probably will; Florida and Ohio are still tossups, but the most recent polls in both states have been good for Obama.
I think too many people are overanalyzing the data and coming to the wrong conclusions. This is all a formality and it is a Romney Obama battle. How those states or any other states do in the primary is meaningless. Romney won MA but what are his chances against Obama?
The Obamacare decision by the SCOTUS will be a big factor, the economy, the war and gas prices will decide the election. Watch for the Dems in the House and Senate to start leaning far right to keep their jobs. They should be cutting entitlements… to attract independents.
Also notice how Gov Cuomo and the Democrats in NY approved a sweeping pension reform bill, something like Gov Walker of WI would be proud of, but I haven’t seen many unions getting signatures to recall Cuomo. I think the country has moved the pols to finally take back our out of control spending, entitlements and nanny-state movements of Obama and the Democratically controlled Congresses… and it’s about time.
PS Romney wins Ohio and Florida in November.
Where’d you get that idea? I’m a big fan of, and believer in, polling done properly, as long as its limitations are properly understood.
The Supreme Court is going to punt on health care by deciding it on a technicality known as the Anti-Injunction Act. That will kick an actual decision down the road to 2014. You heard it here first.
Florida is a tossup. Obama will win Ohio.
Am I to understand that we’re supposed to believe you, then, in preference to polls? Can you perhaps tell us who’ll win the upcoming French elections? Curious.
but they are only a snapshot of how a certain group are feeling “that day”. How many polls have been cited here and everywhere else which end up being far from reality. I abhor when someone points out a poll to support their view as if it is a solid piece of fact, it’s not. How did the polls look for Martha Coakley 6 months before the election? How’d that end up? How many times are polls results significantly different from actual results?
I know the talking heads of the MSM need to “make news” since the really important stuff we need to hear may be boring (US Budgets…), so they want this Republican primary to stretch on and on and be as contentious as possible, but Romney is going to win it (no poll cited, simply my guess). What else would the MSNBC hit squad talk about (Gov Cuomo’s Pension Reform?)
It will be an interesting summer either way and I hoping the weather will be good, but I haven’t seen any polls about it yet, here or France.
Polls are also easier to report on than, say, the content of the recent House transportation or budget bills.