In the old days, it was funny. Today, it’s excruciating. It’s like a retirement party for someone nobody liked very much. The jokes were around when Curley was mayor, and marginally more criminal. Not everyone has the blarney of Billy Bulger, but ouch. I tuned in too late to see the Tim Murray in a racing suit, or Scott Brown.
It took a while for the audience to warm up to Elizabeth Warren, who took some funny, well-placed shots at Scott Brown who doesn’t seem to have much of a sense of humor when it comes to laughing at himself.
Anyone see the breakfast or have any suggestions for making it worth watching? I watch it with my parents who remember when there were laughs.
Please share widely!
JimC says
Don’t televise the White House Correspondents’ Dinner either. I will never really respect David “Dancin’ Dave” Gregory again, and that’s not fair but I can’t help it. I draw the line at news guys dancing with Karl Freaking Rove.
sabutai says
It stopped being a local event and started being a media event.
Mark L. Bail says
I’m not half as funny as I think I am, and I could write better stuff.
hlpeary says
jack hart is a good ol’ Irish lad and tries very hard, but Billy Bulger, the quickest wit in any room was the key to this event’s success. irish music and irish wit made the breakfast memorable. trying to use pre-produced videos as a substitute just rings hollow and does not measure up.
I think everyone came prepared to hear one person after another include a Tim-Murray-Bad-Driver joke…but the Lt. Governor stole the show (and the impact of barbs to come) when he showed up in a full NASCAR outfit with helmet…his self-deprecating humor scored big with the room…he may be a poor driver, but he is one good sport taking every joke at his expense in stride with a hearty laugh.
Even Scott Brown got in a few good ones but watching Scott listen to Elizabeth Warren was telling…he clearly has thin skin when criticized even in fun. When Jack Hart asked him off mike if he would sing an Irish tune with him and Warren, Scott said No way. Warren had a couple of good shots but for the most part was flat…and the Consumer cover was a little lame…(the Dems tried to use the centerfold thing to beat Scott the first time around and it did not work, only added to his popularity)
Jack hart said that Steve Grossman was talking about running for governor because “he wants to put the guber back in gubernatorial”…Steve talked long about what his office is doing, told an old joke which I can’t remember now and sang an Irish song that his wife wrote new words for…it, too, went on a bit long and self-promoting…Hart may be right.
JP Kennedy III had his debut, arriving late and sputtering along until he took out a Letterman top 10 list about his campaign…the best of which was “Conan OBrien is running for Congress”…he does look like him a bit now that he brought that up…given today’s wet kiss for him in the Globe, he must have been feeling pretty confident…but as a speaker, he has a very long way to go….good thing his name is Kennedy, they will give him all the time it takes.
I missed Menino and Cabral…