Brian McGrory of the Globe wrote today:
“But let’s not ever lose sight of one true thing in this or any other political race: The most important issues are the candidates themselves, and more specifically, their integrity, credibility, and authenticity.
Which is why Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee ancestry, almost certainly declared on federal forms by Warren herself and used by a pair of Ivy League universities to tout their diversity efforts, all without an ounce of proof that she has a drop of Indian blood flowing through her veins, matters. It matters a great deal.
Speaking as adults here, the elephant in the room is whether Warren wrongly claimed minority status to improve her prospects for being hired to teach at Harvard Law School, and before that, the University of Pennsylvania Law School. The more obvious question might even be, why else would she have done it?”
This is exactly my point – Elizabeth Warren needs to come clean or this situation will fester….and even Globe columnists will not let it drop.
Before you say no one but the Globe cares about this issue, visit this website:
The Cherokees care!!!
She HAS come clean and I have posted such. This blog could be anyone. There is nothing to prove who exactly “they” (if it is in fact they rather than one individual with an ax to gring – there’s no way to tell). The current Cherokee chief is only 1/32 Cherokee. The last quoted paragraph is raising questions that have been asked and answered and would provoke an objection on badgering grounds in a court of law. I highly doubt the real Cherokee nation, which is not based in MA is concerned about this more than their own circumstances. I probably shouldn’t be feeding a troll, but why don’t you try writing a diary about whom you do support in this race and why.
Okay, I’ve visited the anonymous web site. Someone somewhere cares.
and this is , almost certainly, a WAG
If it means “bizarre line with no apparent basis in reality,” I’m with you. I have no idea where McGrory gets that. Or this:
We’ve been over this. There is virtually zero possibility that this happened.
ought to be retracted.
It is simply amazing it made it past an editor. Amazing. People can’t just make up crap in the paper.
cranky columnist, maybe. You should ready what he in the past said about Coakley, Kerry or Patrick.
with this guy. His earlier stuff was an attempt to sound like a hard-boiled Dashiel Hammet type in getting down with the Boston “neighborhoods.
Kind of embarrassing really.
The website makes a big toodoo about having to be claimed by Cherokees to be an authentic Cherokee. Any guesses as to why?
Maybe now that there is big money in casinos, the tribes aren’t so keen on welcoming new members.
post on the the people who put up this website, namely Twila Barnes. Without the Warren angle, this whole Cherokee heritage thing is still pretty nutty.
Lots of arguments about who is and who isn’t a Cherokee with racial overtones. There’s a lot of infighting about who controls the Cherokee Nation.
troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll.
troll troll troll troll troll.
troll troll troll.
troll troll troll troll troll.
I used to be casually indifferent about DeFranco. You’re changing my opinion fast, “Blue.” Now I’m up to… damn, wait, I can’t say it. It would violate far too many BMG rules. Suffice it to say, you’re not helping your candidate.
DeFranco could be much better than her supporters.
Some of her “supporters” are actually Brownians.
… and commenting on DeFraco posts could be said to be…
… wait for it..
… brownian motion.
is Bluemaxxxx is a close friend or family member of DeFranco, and represents the core arguments and values of the campaign.
Given that DeFranco admittedly only has 40 volunteers…. those chances are high.
Either way, DeFranco should be aware that these are the kinds of posts being written in ‘her name’ at BMG and have something posted on her behalf which demonstrates she wants to run a positive campaign, not a Bluemaxxx-style campaign.
I mean, she pretty much has to be at this point.
Classic stuff. Your typical pitch for funds–“without a few bucks, we have have to shut down the animal shelter/not feed as many hungry/not donate what we’d like to to candidates”–becomes an “ominous warning” (as Breitbarttv has it) for the “scandalous” lady in red. My award for spin-of-the-day.
I was wrong about this story initially–I figured it had no legs, and didn’t bother reading more than headlines and leads when it broke. I still don’t think it has legs, but man, does it have crutches. Still, if this is the best they got, I wouldn’t worry much.
My approach: if someone had told me that I have “x” blood, I probably would have thought, hmm, that’s kinda interesting, then dismissed it. I’m 4th generation 100% Irish, but I pretty much self-define as a punk kid from NJ. But if the question arose on an application? Yeah, I probably would have checked off the box too. If there’s a problem here, it isn’t with people responding honestly (and I believe Ms Warren was 100% honest–who in their right mind is going to make up a story about being 1/32 anything, least of all Cherokee?), but rather with the kinds of questions that result in these answers.
I thought the Phoenix’s Talking Politics blog did a nice job addressing McGrory’s “odd” column:
—From a decidedly non-Brownian DeFranco supporter. Here’s to hoping both candidates deliver blistering anti-Brown solidly prog addresses tomorrow, and embrace with some degree of warmth afterwards.
(( Two can play ALLCAPS poker. ))
Happy days.
Yours was even better than mine.
I love breatbarttv:
“The Massachusetts Democrat Party’s split from Warren and second look at DeMarco…”
WAG = wild-assed guess
SWAG = Stupid Wild-assed guess
…Scientific Wild Ass Guess!
It’s what I do for a living.
Question is, did bluemaxipad’s parents tell him he was a Troll?
Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!
I’d like to thank Dr. Bronner, essene rabbi and soap maker, for his teachings.