As president, Mitt will work to expand and enhance access and opportunities for Americans to hunt, shoot, and protect their families, homes and property, and he will fight the battle on all fronts to protect and promote the Second Amendment. could stand to clarify its writing in places.
Or maybe it is clear–and Colbert SuperPAC was right about Mitt Romney!
Please share widely!
No, over here!
Happy days.
Eats, shoots, and leaves.
So, so true.
Clearly, this paragraph was intended to be parsed as “protect their families, homes and property”.
Is Mr. Romney aligning himself in support of the various “stand your ground” laws?
I wonder if anyone has asked him…
or he wants to turn Disneyworld into a hunting preserve.
to start progressives posting nonsense. Well, maybe not David and Somervilletom both of whom pose a terrific question for candidate Romney.
As an avid shooter and NRA member, I’d love to hear it answered.
Progressisse bad. Nonsense post.
Me shoot now. Make loud noise. Knock sumpin down. Feel better.
Thank you
nonsense in response to perceived nonsense.
Remind me. All those progressives who are trying to abolish the 2nd amendment? Where are they again?
No, Tom has it right, Romney is playing offense, like all the paranoid gun nuts and the people they vote for.
but failed to see where he called anyone a “paranoid gun nut.” Or are you putting words in his mouth?
With 32 states having adopted Castle Doctrine statutes, including a bunch of swing states like FL, PA, and VA, Romney’s “offense” is smart electoral politics.
As the tragedy in Florida teaches us, the only “smart electoral politics” involved is pandering to vicious race-baiting. These laws are adopted to make it easier for white folks to shoot minorities. They celebrate and encourage just the kind of vigilante nonsense that we see in Florida and along the Arizona/Mexican border.
As I’ve written elsewhere, this strategy is insulting to the voters because of the horrific assumptions it makes about the racial attitudes of those voters.
Party A kicks in the door to Party B’s house at 3 AM. Party B shoots Party A as Party A attacks Party B. How is this racist by design? It applies to the law-abiding black family whose house is invaded by white crack heads.
What you’re saying is that Party A is more likely than not to be a minority. That’s racist.
BTW, if only Matthews Shepard carried a handgun. He would have been justified using it, and I would have applauded.
And the objections to civil rights legislation were a legitimate objection to the intrusion of an overbearing federal government on state’s rights.
Trayvon Martin didn’t kick anybody’s door down.
surely there are enough real examples to point out how “stand your ground” is a return to the wild west? Let’s hear ’em.
It has made shooting first and asking questions later more expedient to the point where you can kill someone for “suspicion.”
And there is the racial element.
but what do you think?
The point is there is nothing for Romney to defend. The gun lobby (aka paranoid gun nuts) just keep pushing it.
Smart electoral politics will get someone killed.
It appears that the grammer has been corrected on that Romney page.
I will still never vote for this idiot.
Last paragraph, still there at 6:50p.
Since apparently punctuation and grammar are so important to you, I assume you also care about spelling.