Typical Republican thuggery at an Obama campaign press conference in Boston today – it’s being covered at DailyKos:
Here’s a vivid illustration of just how badly Mitt Romney wants to avoid any discussion of his record as governor of Massachusetts: he sent his campaign aides to shout down speakers at a press conference organized by the Obama campaign to discuss Romney’s governorship. Romney aides and supporters repeatedly shouted, screamed, and even blew bubbles and vuvezelas in an effort to disrupt the press conference, which was held in Boston.
Obama campaign senior strategist David Axelrod, who was the featured speaker at the event, told the Romney aides that their efforts to drown out discussion of Mitt Romney’s record as governor would not succeed. “You can shout down speakers,” he said. “But it’s hard to Etch A Sketch the truth away.”
The Etch A Sketch will be used until November – Eric F. will rue the day he let that one slip! I’m glad the Obama campaign is tying Mitt to his abysmal record in this state – and you have to love Somerville mayor Joe Curtatone:
Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone mocked the the Romney campaign’s efforts. “Thank you for the bubbles,” Curtatone said. “It’s a hell of a lot better than the smoke Mitt Romney blew at us ten years ago and that he’s blowing across America!”
Smoke and mirrors and an Etch A Sketch – that’s all the Mittster has to offer!
of the number of times that I took a day off from work to go stand in front of the State House to protest some idiocy from Romney when he was Governor. I am glad that this will finally be shown for what it was – a fiasco.
You’d have been better off at his place in New Hampshire – between that place and the campaign trail, I don’t think Romney spent more than 20 minutes at the state house when he was governor…
This is common for both parties. In my own town during a state rep race a republican was shouted down by a bunch of out of town supporters of a Democratic candidate.
This is just politics.
This is standard Republican response to those who point out their thuggery. Even during the health care “Town Meetings” when tea partiers, often armed with guns, tried to hoot down elected Congresspeople, the right wingers tried to claim that the other side was just as ugly.
please remove tin foil hat.
Often armed? Really?
Tell it to former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, together with the loved ones of
John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, nine-year-old Christina-Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, Phyllis Schneck, and Dorwan Stoddard.
If you think the Tea Party is anything other than a mob of armed and dangerous thugs, than you’re not paying attention. Your lame defense of armed thugs who loudly proclaim their fondness for a “Second Amendment Solution” marks you as something close to an accessory.
please remove tin foil hat. I’m begging you Tom.
I’m afraid — I mean that literally –to tell you that Jared Lee Loughner wasn’t a tea party activist because your head mind explode like an over inflated balloon. And I don’t want that to happen to you.
Loughner is a mentally disturbed fruitcake and was judged not competent to stand trial. He has no history of tea party activity, but plenty of contacts with law enforcement. From Wikipedia:
No tea party mention anywhere, however.
They have guns?
So do we.
I applaud that! Let’s go skeet shooting, then have a beer afterwards.
From the back of your motor-launch
Can’t believe the campaign is so stupid and desperate to make Romney’s job performance an issue: After 4 years Romney reduced unemployment to an almost mythical 4.6%. Obama’s results—–eh not too good.
for whatever reason there is a certain % of the population that is unemployable – a percentage of the last 5% may never find a job.
Let us Democrats first learn from Karl Rove’s excellent lesson: attack the opponent’s strength, make people doubt that strength. Mr Romney’s strength is not in actually creating jobs but in the robust public opinion that he’s good at creating jobs. His experience at Bain is beside the point as the President has capably pointed out. His experience in Massachusetts, which did not do well relatively compared to other states, does not crown him Job Creator Par Excellence. It crowns him Job Creator At Best Mediocre.
This is not a stupid tactic at all.
I leave aside your simplistic evaluation of the Obama Administration.
Deval Patrick humiliated Elizabeth Warren by not letting her answer a question from a female Fox 25 reporter. To parahrase Patrick – no need to worry little lady, I’ll take care of this mean reporter for you. If Elizabeth Warren can’t stand up to a reporter without our gallant governor defending her, she’s toast. She needs to stand in front of reporters (alone) and answer questions about (1) whether she is a minority and (2) whether she ever claimed to be a minority to get a job. It is irrelevant what her mom told her, she is a law professor and should know the laws and rules about affirmative action and claiming to be a minority when your not. STOP ISSUING PRESS RELEASES – COME SPEAK TO REPORTERS.
Do not forsake Marisa DeFranco this weekend. Mark my words, you will need her when EW’s campaign disintegrates under her lies and inability to face the media.
Here is what we conclude: If delegates vote for Marisa DeFranco just to keep her in the race in the interests of competition or democracy, Ms. DeFranco will accuse Ms. Warren of lying and hiding. If they don’t vote for Ms. DeFranco, she won’t say those things, or at least many fewer people will listen.
You have therefore given everyone a most excellent reason to vote AGAINST DeFranco.
Given that, are you sure you don’t work for Brown?
And leave a disingenuous argument exposed. The beauty of active debate!
My posting privileges were removed – why? Because I dared to raise legitimate issues about Warren. Well guess what, the national media is doing the same!!
just isn’t ready for you
There’s been a spam attack and so posting privileges have come and gone for a number of us.
With respect to paranoia, though, they might have a different view.
just because one is paranoid, doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.
I watched an O’Reilly Factor the other night (transcript) where he said Romney needs to get angry like he did in a debate against Kennedy, but I think that kind of loud-voiced false indignation backfired on him then and it will backfire on him again.
He might have problems with the “spin zone” here though.
…and used the “they do it too” defense, which grates on me because when I teach I hate that excuse coming from a kid. Plus I’m not aware of the Obama campaign directing people to disrupt Romney rallies. IMO neither side should do it and when asked to do it I pass.