Brownie and entourage strolled into the Haverhill VFW yesterday.
Senator grilled on benefits, campaign issues
About five minutes into the meeting, the senator pointed to a man who was videotaping the event. Brown called the man a “tracker” and told him to stop what he was doing. The man discontinued his videotaping after several of Brown’s staff members approached him.
“Every word they’ll use in some kind of negative commercial and it’s shameful,” Brown said.
At one point during the meeting, a man in the back of the room asked Brown to explain why he is against President Obama’s health care plan, yet is taking advantage of a provision in the plan that allows parents to keep their children on their health care plan until they are 26. The man, who later identified himself to The Eagle-Tribune as Mathew Helman of Melrose, communications director for ProgressMass, a political activist organization, told Brown that he was taking away benefits that are relied upon by many people.
The rabidly right wing ET failed to mention that Rep. Linda Dean Campbell, D-Methuen, vice chair of the joint committee on veterans and federal affairs, was also there. Until the last line of the 18th paragraph, that is.
Their editorial pages sound like they hired hacks who weren’t quite cut out for the Boston Herald or Lowell Sun.
“who weren’t quite cut out for the … Lowell Sun.”
And that’s saying something, considering what a piece of shit rag the Lowell Sun is, especially its editorial page.
The ET printed an editorial calling the President a “manchild”.
Old timers tell me the ET was once a great newspaper. Now, it’s less than nothing.
An event I attended with Warren had a Brown tracker there, an extremely RUDE one who was getting in people’s faces with his camera, making constituents nervous. But no one told HIM to stop.
Brown is an ass. A total ass. I have no other explanation for his hypocritical behavior.
One official, one incognito. Plus an extra tracker at Warren events to track the tracker.