[Cross-posted from the ProgressMass blog. Like ProgressMass on Facebook and follow on Twitter.]
Yet again, Republican Scott Brown diligently worked to muddle through another entire week without discussing any real issues of consequence to the families of Massachusetts. It’s an impressively frightening feat, and it’s quickly becoming one of the central themes of his campaign. In fact, the sole “issue” on which Brown has focused his entire campaign of late has proven to be a bust:
The poll indicated that although 73 percent of likely voters were aware of the controversy surrounding Warren’s heritage, 69 percent said it was not a significant story.
Earlier in the week, WBUR’s Dan Payne simply asked, “Is Scott Brown a Birther?” (The answer is a resounding “Yes.”) The MetroWest Daily News described Brown and his campaign focus thusly:
Brown has been avoiding direct questions from the press since he was elected in 2010. […]
The Brown campaign, with help from elements of the media that consider public policy too boring for their audiences, has orchestrated an effort to keep the non-story in the news, painting the Cherokee question as the most important issue facing Massachusetts voters in November.
It isn’t, not by a long shot.
Warren’s ethnic heritage is, in our view, a ridiculous distraction from serious issues.
The truth of the matter is that public policy is not “too boring.” People care about real issues (as opposed to manufactured controversies), even if members of the media often opt for the sensational over the relevant.
The day will come, hopefully sooner than later, when all elements of the Massachusetts media wise up to the fact that discussion of real issues is more important and more valuable to the public discourse than “ridiculous distractions,” as the MetroWest Daily News succinctly put it.
Eventually, Republican Scott Brown will have to defend his record. He’ll have to defend his record of partisan obstruction over problem-solving. He’ll have to defend voting against tens of thousands of jobs for Massachusetts. He’ll have to defend operating in closed-door meetings to score backroom deals watering down regulations on Wall Street. He’ll have to defend his vote to protect $24 Billion in tax giveaways to Big Oil while also voting to double the student loan interest rate. He’ll have to defend his vote to allow millionaires and billionaires like Mitt Romney to continue to pay a lower tax rate than the rest of us. He’ll have to defend his vote to give male employers the power to tell female employees that the company health care plan won’t cover their contraceptive or preventative care any longer. Add it up and it’s a pretty horrendous record.
To help hold Republican Scott Brown accountable for that horrendous record, ProgressMass encourages you to share the below graphics on your Facebook Wall. Offer reminders to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers that Republican Scott Brown doesn’t represent Middle Class Massachusetts. Just click on each graphic and hit “Share.”
he has invoked a smear campaign against Elizabeth Warren; attacking her family, her values and her work ethic.
If he’s not a total misogynistic chauvinist pig , he certainly is playing one on TV…