The State House will rock on June 28 when Vote 17 Lowell will come up to the State House and demonstrate why they are “flipping out” over their VOTE 17 in Lowell. See the truly great teen produced video on this page Vote 17 in Lowell.
News from the Front.
Lowell has been hailed by researchers from CIRCLE (Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement) as an ideal location to pilot a lowered voting age to increase voter turnout, create lifelong voters and to increase youth voice in local affairs which directly affect them. The teens have received formal endorsements from Neighbor 2 Neighbor Massachusetts, SEIU 615, IBEW 2321, MassVOTE, Demos, ONE Massachusetts, Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy, Young Democrats of Massachusetts, The League of Young Voters and the National Youth Rights Association with support from the League of Women Voters and
cross posted at Mass Policy and Leadership Academy
Christopher says
…at least federally. Before the 26th amendment was ratified some states had lowered the voting age below 21 on their own. As long as the state allows this form of home rule it should be fine. Personally, I’ve thought for a while that the voting age should be 16.