The Eagle Tribune, which covers the Merrimack Vally, has almost daily published LTTEs or editorials attacking Warren.
Today: LTTE “Letter: Warren’s heritage claim is a valid campaign issue”
Wednesday: LTTE “Warren should face consequences for her deception”
Tuesday: LTTE “Warren distorts the truth about her heritage”
6/1:“Editorial: Democrats face test of principles” – which posits that if Democrats don’t join in the attacks they have no souls.
Apparently an editorial decision has been made that attacks on Warren will increase readership of this failing rag.
The shameful attacks on her include calling her a ‘squaw’, albeit not by staff, just by anonymous Disqus posters. Staff just calls her “an ethnic fraud”.
whosmindingdemint says
and drive them behind the pay wall.
methuenprogressive says
I was last published in 2008.
whosmindingdemint says
They control the flow. Forgot about that.
Christopher says
…the letter trend is probably reflective of the readership and the area. Even your (assuming you live in Methuen as your name suggests) Democratic Beacon Hill delegation, Rep. Campbell and Sen. Baddour have both said to me, with a tone of pride, “I have a conservative voting record.”
methuenprogressive says
But the letter trend reflects the editorial stance, in my opinion.
merrimackguy says
and I’ve never heard of them selectively printing letters. The Andover Townsman, another ET publication, prints letters from the Andover teachers union (they have been without a contract for almost two years) and their supporters almost every week.