“Elizabeth Warren blasts Mitt Romney as she introduces President Obama in Boston”
correct link in post below
Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren lambasted Republican Mitt Romney Monday as she introduced his general election opponent, President Obama, at a Boston fund-raiser.
Teeing off on the former Massachusetts governor, Warren told a full house at Symphony Hall: “Mitt Romney tells us, in his own words, he believes corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people. People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They love and they cry and they dance. They live and they die. Learn the difference.”
Obama also attacked Romney during his 40-minute speech, but his remarks lacked the bite of the line uttered by Warren.
“Mitt, learn this,” she added. “We don’t run this country for corporations; we run it for people.”
The speech was a big moment for Warren, as she engages in her own hard-fought race against Senator Scott Brown.
The speech also put Warren before her largest homestate crowd since she received the endorsement of the Democratic State Convention on June 2. The audience included major party activists and donors who will also be critical to her campaign.
In opening her remarks, Warren paid tribute to Obama, who passed over her last year to head the agency she established on his behalf, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, after Senate Republicans said they would not confirm her to the post.
“He fought for you, students and seniors, homeowners and veterans, community banks and credit unions, and for everyone who plays by the rules,” she said.
“Big banks and Republicans fought tooth-and-nail against us,” she said. “They vowed this agency would never become law. And when the money poured in, when the pressure mounted against us, and when we were on the ropes, President Obama stood firm.”
Warren added: “He planted his feet, he squared his shoulders, and he said, ‘We will stop the cheating, we will stop the trick and traps, and we will level the playing field for working families.’”
more at link
Christopher says
The link you included leads to an anti-Obama letter to the editor in the Eagle Tribune. This is what you were looking for.
methuenprogressive says
Thanks for the help.
danfromwaltham says
Corporations get sick and die. Look at all the manufacturing companies that epwnet out of business due to NAFTA and GATT. Is she that naive in believing that when a business dies, people are not impacted? Does she not know most working people obtain their health insurance through their employer?
We all can’t work for non-profits like Harvard. If the company I work for didn’t have to pay taxes, I guess it would be easy to disparage those that do, and ask them to pay even more.
Christopher says
You’ve made your views clear, and it’s a valid position to have, but must you bring it up on every thread?
As for corporations they can always be reorganized and if they die, isn’t that what free-marketers claim to be OK with? If they can’t stay in business they go out of business. Of course some corporations prey on others. I saw a comment somewhere to the effect that if corporations are people then Mitt Romney in his Bain capacity should be charged with slavery for buying and selling them, and murder for killing them off. There ARE companies which have figured out how to be good corporate citizens AND successful.
danfromwaltham says
I just feel so passionately about it, and when David even gave his endorsement of the idea of taxing private universities like Harvard, I felt vindicated and my only goal is to get the word out to the many readers of BMG who may be casual readers and seeing us for the first time.
Are you under the impression that I believe Romney is a nice businessman? I believe he is closer to Gordon Gekko than even he realizes. But with 65 Trilion in federal obligations, maybe that is what we need for four years.
kbusch says
Mr. Lynne says
… our ability to carry that debt and responded predictably with massive upward inflation pressure… oh wait.
demeter11 says
Heard on On Point – WBUR
A caller said, “I’ll believe corporations are people when the state of Texas executes one of them.”
Almost as good as EW’s description of the differences, if much funnier.
merrimackguy says
that is of no concern to the average person.