There is this:
“Pres. Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds,” Rhoades said in a statement. “Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works.”
Then, there is this:
A strategist for 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Republican Sen. Scott Brown (Mass.) has admitted to authoring a fake Twitter account that makes light of the “It Gets Better Project” for gay youth and pokes fun at reporters covering Massachusetts politics.
Romney strategist Eric Fehrnstrom admitted on Wednesday evening to authoring the fake Twitter account @CrazyKhazei.
What did we miss?
The Globe did.
Why is this front paged? Its not really news and it definitely doesn’t fit in our goal of being more substantive and not making inane horse race posts to bash Republicans every chance we get. Its also certainly not news or newsworthy. Erich Fehrnstrom is a scumbag is about as newsworthy as the gambling going on in the backroom at Rick’s Cafe.
Honestly, I think just about anything can be front paged and we’ll still be more substantive than RMG. Mr. Eno just accused Gov. Patrick of having his future “in the race hustling industry”. Compared to that, this is substance, as it undercuts the faux victim poutrage coming out of the Romney campaign.