Today is July 20, 2012; 43 years following the First Moon Landing, and about a month away from another fantastic Rover landing on Mars, and I find nothing on any sites that I have visited today about this. Anyway, since commenting on any existing diary here would probably trigger another troll fight or inspire more climate change denier drivel, I wanted to wish everyone who believes in reality a happy anniversary. As an experiment, I am also curious to see how long (how many comments) can this posting go without someone denying that the moon landing was real, or discussing Ted Kennedy’s weekend 43 years ago.
Have a great weekend and Happy Anniversary, enjoy your cellphones and GPS, made possible by people who came before you. Which I believe was the President’s point.
Also, I wrote this while sitting in a chair, which in no way proves the existance of God. I don’t know how many more of the BMG comments from other postings of this week I can indirectly reference in this one posting. Cheers.
If NASA is willing to fake great achievements, how come they never had a second one?
h/t for that argument.
Dr. Higgs found his Boson. I guess he left it in his other pants.
Capricorn One.
In retrospect, the only good part was watching OJ Simpson suffer and die in the desert…
Definite Proof of existance of Brontosaurus and particularly with its Intercostal Clavicle Bone.