Since that decision was made, you’ve no doubt heard pundits talk about what it means politically — and probably heard a lot of misinformation about what the Affordable Care Act actually does.
That’s why on Friday, July 20th at 12pm we’re teaming up with our partners at Health Law Advocates and Community Catalyst to discuss what the Supreme Court decision means.
What does the Supreme Court Decision
Mean for the Affordable Care Act and Massachusetts?
Time: 12pm Friday, July 20th 2012
Call in number: 877-594-8353
Passcode: 966 88 123
RSVPs not required but requested! RSVP here.
Once you’ve joined the call, please mute your phone so we don’t have background noise.
Thank you in advance!
On the call we’ll have a great team of experts:
Brian Rosman, Research Director for Health Care For All
Lorianne Sainsbury-Wong, Litigation Director for Health Law Advocates
Katherine Howitt, Senior Policy Analyst for Community Catalyst
They will go over some of the key points about what’s in the Supreme Court Decision, how it impacts the country, and how it will uniquely affect Massachusetts. Then, you’ll have a chance to get your questions answered! We hope it will be an exciting conversation.
Please let us know if you plan to be on the call! We’re looking forward to talking with you all soon!