There has been some exciting news relative to the Democratic National Convention in the past day. Elizabeth Warren has been confirmed for a speaking spot Wednesday night. Also speaking on Wednesday is none other than President Clinton, who has been tapped to place the current President’s name into nomination. In a break with recent precedent, the President and Vice President will both speak Thursday night, I believe at the outdoor venue being set up, whereas usually the VP nominee speaks on the penultimate night and the POTUS nominee has the last night to himself.
Meanwhile, states must choose their presidential electors, which will be apportioned based on the 2010 census so using the new House numbers. In Massachusetts the partisan state committees nominate their slates who will be elected based on the popular vote of the state. It should come as no surprise that recent polling gives the Democratic ticket a comfortable lead in MA, so in reality the DSC is choosing electors while others are choosing their human sacrafices. My ulterior motive for bringing up the “Electoral College” (a colloquial term not found in the Constitution) is that I am seeking one of the Democratic nominations. The DSC will meet on August 23rd in Lawrence to choose five men and five women, with any unsuccessful candidate automatically on the list from which the eleventh elector is chosen. For those of you reading this who are members of the Democratic State Committee I would very much appreciate having one of your votes.