Read the whole story over at the Boston Occupier. This is an interesting step for Occupy, especially given (what appears to be) the group’s general disintegration in Boston:
Inspired by actions in Minnesota and Nashville, activists in Massachusetts and members of Socialist Alternative have formed a local Occupy Homes group in collaboration with Occupy Quincy.
The group is being mentored by City Life / Vida Urbana (CLVU), a Boston-based community organization with nearly forty years experience promoting tenant rights and preventing housing displacement. According to Occupy Homes MA organizer Bryan Koulouris, the groups’ goal is to “build an organization of mutual support for all the fights against the banks, getting as many people facing this situation to shake off the shame, stand up and fight back, together!”
During the first quarter of 2012, banks and other holders of mortgages filed 4,348 petitions to foreclose in Massachusetts. Although lower than the foreclosure highs of several years ago, this figure is a 71.5 percent increase from the first quarter of last year. Filing a petition is the first step in the foreclosure process.
Occupy Homes is planning two anti-eviction actions for July. The first is on July 10, when the home of Ken Goodman, a resident of East Weymouth, is scheduled for auction. The results of this action could not be included in this article, as the Occupier went to press just hours afterwards.