As it happens, there are two bills pending on Capitol Hill that our U.S. Senators and Congressman can sign on and support, with the “sign on” deadline being July 13, 2012. These bills are H.R. 733 (for the House) and S. 362 for the Senate. These bills would increase research funding for Pancreatic Cancer, which is the #4 killer among all cancers and, proportionately, underfunded.
To check if your congressman or senator has signed on, use this link Note that as of July 9, 2012 neither U.S. Senator Scott Brown nor U.S. Senator Kerry had signed on to support this legislation. I called both of them, and I hope you all will too. I called my congressman, who is also not listed as a co-sponser – so this is one way you can help Marc, and people like him (and my children if they carry one or more of the four genes so far clearly involved).
Heed the address, phone number, e-mail? Use this link or this link – your advocacy is priceless – and when I see you, I hope to give and receive a hug. You and I have as much ability to hug and to be advocates as anyone with millions of dollars – lets not forget it!
gregroa says
At the time, PanCan was a great resource for information on all stages of care and the various options. In this day and age, where Republican congressmen make that outrageous claims that people don’t die from certain cancers, it’s imperative that the millions of people who are affected directly and indirectly by these devastating diseases (pancreatic cancer being among the worst) stay active and engaged and insist that the federal government is one of the only entities in the world who can effectively fund the many tentacles of research that are needed for cures and treatments.
You have my thoughts and prayers. And of course I will make the phone calls in support of the bills. – Greg
AmberPaw says
You may not believe it, but that kind of citizen attention DOES make a difference in a “small” funding issue like this one.