“When Elizabeth first came up with the idea for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a lot of people in Washington said it would never happen.
The big banks were making enormous profits off the status quo — little oversight, sparse accountability, and cozy regulators in Washington. They would assemble an army of lobbyists to stop real reform, and everyone knew it.
But every time it looked like the future of the agency was in doubt, Elizabeth fought harder. Every time the lobbyists made inroads pushing loopholes, she spoke louder. And every time it looked like the agency would be scrapped without an open vote, she said, “Not on my watch.”
She stood up to the bankers on Wall Street and the lobbyists in Washington — and she won a strong new watchdog to protect consumers and stand up to the big banks for all of us.”
(more at link)
and directly creating posts that are political ads?
Doesn’t Warren have enough millions to toss a few bucks BMG’s way for banner ads?
In case you missed it, BLUE Mass Group, a Democratic blog with Democrats as its three main writers, with Democratic contributors.
Save your faux outrage for your little friends at RMG.
when the conservative trolls are SHOCKED, SHOCKED to see there’s partisan organizing going on on a liberal blog. SHOCKED, I say.
hijack this site
is look really, really silly.
Not exactly a convincing argument for their side…
That he said “we“.
As if…
that that this post adds no actual BMG user input, but quotes directly from Warren’s site and provides a link to the site where I assume your “sign the thank you card” will be used to add your name to the database.
I’m not outraged at all, just surprised at what passes for blogging these days, this isn’t even “organizing” more like “link pasting.”
This has happened on this site SINCE ITS INCEPTION.
Go away. Or I will taunt you a second time, you pig-dog.
you fat Belgian bastard.
That one is so overused.
as I suspected not much originality on this site.
“you can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” is the best quote from Holy Grail
How do you know he’s king?
He doesn’t have shit all over him.
A very sweet story about EW and the staff members who worked so hard on the Consumer Protection Agency.
Everything I learn about her, both personal and professional, convince me she’s the best public servant/candidate we’ve seen in a long, time time.
Go get ’em, Elizabeth.
and wondering why bank fees have gone up so much lately.
It’s because you use a crap bank and mismanage your bank account.
1 – Use cash and maintain your minimums
2 – Shift to a local bank that doesn’t screw you with fees (mine haven’t gone up in years and I use ATMs all over the state)
3 – Better still, go to a credit union
At this point, I make money off my bank — no fees, I’m smart about getting and using cash, I maintain my minimum, plus I get interest and “eco” bonuses because I am paperless.
I never pay any bank fees, for anything. I rarely use cash for anything since I don’t get my cash back and I pay my CC balances every month. I do use a local credit union whenever they are competitive (and sometimes when they aren’t since I like supporting local businesses however I give them a tremendous amount of feedback to help them stay competitive and recommend them highly to people in the town).
I too make money off banks but sadly I know that banks “make money” so for every buck you and I are saving, it is coming out of the pockets of people who can least afford it who are paying extremely high CC interest rates, very high bank fees, very LOW CD/checking/savings account interest rates… So we’re getting rewards off someone else’s 16.99% CC interest rate!
Are they a not-for-profit organization?
SO many of us are profiting from these banks making money. The “sad” part is banks make so much money off those who can least afford it. I’m not fighting you Dan as we are brothers, but when some guy down on his luck is paying 30% interest rates (I may be wrong but I don’t believe the Consumer Protection Bureau from EW established any MAXIMUM credit card interest rate), he will never get to pay off the loan principle AND he is more likely to be needing social programs (SNAP, public housing, medical services, paying no Income tax…) so… yes I think it is sad. Rather than these high rates, they should simply not let people get loans or credit cards if the risk is so high.
I may sound anti-free market and if so I may have a chink in my armor…
There was a time, not so long ago, when credit card interest was limited by law to 18% per year and when consumer bankruptcies were much easier to get than today. That all changed when “free market” anti-regulation folks decided that banks should be able to charge whatever they wanted and made sure that escape from their clutches was much more difficult.
In order to earn money at 18% and avoid bankruptcy, the lender has to be able to (a) extend significantly more credit and (b) have significantly more confidence that the recipient is able to pay back the debt. That discourages the kind of predatory lending that is so common today, and that you describe (30% interest rates!).
The deregulation of the banking industry has DESTROYED our economy.