Submitted for your consideration: Why stop at Transcripts and GPAs? If the president ever took an SAT, it would have been under the old format where a perfect score is 1600 (800 + 800). Under the new format, introduced a few years ago, there are now three sections, each of which is graded on a scale of 800, so even if the President scored in the high 1500s, that would still be simply an “average” to “below average” score within the new format. A new format perfect score being 2400.
Gee – Do you think an old format SAT score could be used to belittle the President? Do people in general know that the SAT scores now have an old format and a new format? When did “Being a conservative” become being deliberately stupid, or a moron.
In my opinion, after a cursory Google seach of the subject, demanding to see the GPA or the Transcripts (or the SAT Scores) of the President is a pathetic and transparent attempt to foster a fake and bogus premise that somehow, the President was the beneficiary of affirmative action or some other “Birtherish”-style garbage. In my opinion, this garbage belong in the sewer or at RMG, but not here.
I personally believe this is dog whistle and should be treated with the derision it deserves. Since the main proponent of this would rather clutter up eveyone else’s posting with this garbage than explain in his own post why this is even remotely relevant, I offer this as a “Lightning Rod”, for lack of a better term.
As in “ignore the substance of the argument and look at that shiny thing over there!”
To me a dog whistle is coded language — a meaning some people can hear and others can’t. Thus, when Mitt Romney (son of a Mexican-born father) says that Obama doesn’t understand Anglo-Saxon relationships, people who may not think about racism perceive he’s criticizing the president’s understanding of English-American relations. But people who do care about race also perceive that he’s criticizing Obama’s lack of understanding of how white people get along.
In fact, disavowed the comment. I suppose you want a pound of flesh?
Mitt is always saying stuff and then says he never said it. It’s Mitt!
Bob or Dave, I know you know Mitt Romney never uttered the words in Sabutai’s post. Can we get an official ruling here or at the very least, delete the lie.
Thank you
Sabutai’s post contains an error that has subsequently been corrected by you and others. That’s how the internet works, and works well. Furthermore, Romney’s embarrassing failure to identify and/or get rid of the person who made those statements calls into serious question how much Romney really cares about it.
We only delete posts that contain personal attacks on other BMGers or otherwise violate the site’s rules. Sabutai’s comment doesn’t come close.
Do you really want that to be the standard? Have all of your lies been deleted? I don’t think so.
I made an honest mistake. I’d normally apologize, but your whining removes any regret I have. I paraphrased Romney as saying:
“Obama doesn’t understand Anglo-Saxon relationships”
Where in fact one of his aides said
“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special…The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”
In other words, Barack Obama isn’t part of this Anglo-Saxon heritage so doesn’t appreciate that shared history. You don’t need a Rosetta Stone course to interpret where he’s going with that. Who knows what other white countries he won’t value?
Regardless, if we deleted everything anyone got wrong, nobody here would know your name.
I don’t think he was saying the rift was because of the President being black at all, if that’s what you are insinuating. The concern was based on the President not being a Natural Born Citizen, and in particular feeling loyalty to Kenya and the man named on his birth certificate, his namesake Barack Obama Sr, who was apparently anti-British. The controversy stems from 2009, when the President returned the bust of Churchill, which offended the British, and that is the context of the quote:
It was awkward of the Romney aide to say that we were “part of an Aglo-Saxon heritage” because that seems racial, but I guess he wanted to remind Britian that they too have a history and didn’t just spring up in the middle of nowhere.
First, Barack Obama is a “natural born citizen”. Next, all that is a very elaborate way of saying “He’s a insert-your-epithet-here”. I hate to break this to you, but “loyalty to Kenya” is the same as “not white”. It’s racial.
If you think the Romney aide wasn’t making a racial statement, then I have a really good deal for you on a lifetime pass for the Cape Cod tunnel. For only a little more, I can offer you shares of the Brooklyn Bridge at an astonishingly attractive price.
You just want me to repeat myself again? This is not about his race, its about him being a (British) Kenyan citizen at birth and being loyal to the man his mother said was his father, who was anti-British, and returning the Churchill bust. If his mother had been truthful and named Frank Marshall Davis as his father, he would be a Natural Born Citizen and not felt the loyalty to Kenya, but then he probably wouldn’t have gotten into those nice schools either and probably wouldn’t be President today. But if he somehow overcame the racism against American blacks and was President Davis today, or President Dunham if she’d remained single, I don’t think he’d be carrying the antipathy for Britain that he feels due to loyalty to his name, or that he’s perceived to feel due to his name and returning the bust. I don’t think the Romney advisor would have said that about Jesse Jackson if he’d become President, or about Herman Cain. Those guys don’t have divided loyalties, they’re not outsiders, they feel the same relationship to Britain as WASPs do. OK, that’s probably wishful thinking, I am sure whites identify more with Britain than American blacks do and American blacks probably have as much antipathy for Europe and England as African blacks and everyone else too, but I still think this controversy and the aide’s statement were about the President’s unique situation as the son of a Kenyan upset with the British rule in Kenya and relate to the bust. It is probably true that Romney would have more respect for England than the President does, because of that, not because he was white.
A “Kenyan citizen at birth”? And you claim this isn’t about race? Whatever.
To an American mother – her father was in George Patton’s army in WWII. That makes him an American citizen at birth – he’s every bit as American as I am, though I have my doubts about you, can we see your birth certificate?
If BMG is going to be home to birther wingnuts, it will cease being “reality-based,” and lose even more credibility.
Plus, we already have a website available for Massachusetts birthers and other wingnut cranks… Red Mass Group.
Either dgc is espousing birther BS, or he’s saying that duhfromwaltham does.
Why do “you people” continue to lie about this?
Hmm, well I’d heard there was some controversy about it in Britain, were they not upset with him slighting them somehow? If not, then there was no cause for anyone to say Romney would have better relations with England.
Why you and your brethren continue to listen to liars is beyond me…
But I sincerely believe that transcripts is coded language for “affirmative action”. I actually prefer “Squirrel”, that John Stewart uses sometimes, but that takes to long to explain.
I meant Jon Stewart, not John.
I should have said “too long” not “to long”.
But for those who don’t care… our own Gov. Patrick graduated from Harvard Law but he took three attempts to pass the bar (CA). Many of you might think he’s a great Gov so do we care about grades? I do.
I’m minutely curious about Obama’s grades but it’s not even close to being an “issue” in my book. But I am curious, does not releasing his grades mean he is “hiding” something?
It will get worse, johnd, as Obama now trails Romney 5 pts in Rasmussen daily tracking, and we are one quarter away of showing negative growth. Last quarter was an anemic 1.5% growth, another kick in the gut. Reminds me of a song by Willie Nelson. Whistle if you like….
Turn out the lights, the party’s over
They say that all…good things must end
Call it a night…the party’s over
And tomorrow starts the same old thing again.
You can see that in the right leaning real Clear politics site –
As to one quarter away from negative growth, are you suggesting that you know the future?
I can answer that for you – no he hasn’t. Is he also hiding something?
I don’t care about his or Obama’s transcripts, although both might be interesting.
I was asking this due to the charges that Romney is “hiding something” because he hasn’t released his tax returns. No telling someone personal data does not translate into a lie or hiding something.
Obama has released 12 years of tax returns, as has every presidential candidate dating back to the start of the tradition, when George ROMNEY released 12 years of returns. Mitt says the Obama folks would twist what’s in his returns for partisan advantage – odd that they haven’t twisted what’s in Obama’s returns then, eh? Obama has nothing to hide, and released his returns to prove it – Romney clearly has something to hide, the political damage from releasing has to be greater than the political damage he’s taking for keeping them under wraps.
C+ Augustus, leader of the free world until the economy fell off the cliff.
You have yet to honor an official ruling so far.
Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight has written extensively about what absolute garbage Rasmussen Poles are.
Here is his site, which in my opinion, is excellent.
Nate has the electoral college going Blue 294.3 and Red 243.7.
I will believe his numbers any day of the week.
He predicted both Bush in 04 on the button, one point off the mark in 08. He was the first to show Brown just 2 pts behind Coakley, when the Globe had Brown down by 15 pts a few days before.
I am sure you know,the NBC poll this week was skewed toward the Dems, they admitted it on the air.
OMG – Then I had better get my Romney lawn sign up as soon as possible, because NBC wait, wait, WAIT!!!!
I thought your point was the election is over and Team Obama needs to turn off the lights and go home? Nate Silver has Obama winning the electoral college by over 50 points.
The electoral college elects the president, not the national popular vote, or are you forgetting President Gore. The state by state polls are far more acurate a prediction than one single national opinion poll.
I was stuck watching “Morning Joe” today for reasons too boring to define here, and all they could talk about was what an utter baffoon “Mitt the Twit” is, so please excuse me when I take your comments about the party being over with about a 100 lbs bag of salt.
Believe me when I tell you that any party that would have Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann at potential leaders will NEVER NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER get my vote.
by Nate Silver’s numbers, so by all means, through your vote away on “Mitt the Twit”.
Believe it or not, Democrats, liberals and Progressives realize that Romney could win, though we certainly hope that does not happen. If old enough, we’ve lived through the entire flowering of modern American conservative power from Reagan to George H.W. Bush, to George W. Bush. In fact Democrats have really only been able to pass significant national legislation for approximately four of the last 32 years. Telling me about some poll is not going to convince me to support endless tax cuts for the wealthy, denial of global warming, or cheer leading the fact that tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance. So if you want a situation where millionaires pay lower tax rates than middle class workers, where millions lack health insurance, and where we encourage endless fossil fuel production and pollution you are going to have to take personal responsibility for it rather than merely hiding behind polls.
I wasn’t trying to put forward the polls as being the “Be all and End All”, I was refutting the bogus claim that because Rasmussen shows a poll number, that this is somehow “Game Over”. Personally, I am taking personal responsibility by contributing financially to both President Obama’s reelection and to Elizabeth Warren’s campaign. Serving on my local Dem Ward committee (Ward 16 Dorchester). Go Fighting Irish.
Dont-Get-Cute’s post needs to be deleted titled, “Because he isn’t a natural born citizen”.
Please ignore the request for delete. I was trying to do a callback to the DanFromWaltham/Sabutia issue above, but for some reason, I can never reply to a comment, only Post new comments. Anyway, please ignore. It was lame.
It’s Internet Explorer that is causing your inability to reply. Ehy does it do that, you ask? Because it’s a crappy piece of crappy software, foisted on the world by Microsoft. Get Firefox or Chrome, both are much better than IE.