Watching television over the past several days I have seen several ads relative to the presidential race and I’m already tired of them. The RNC, Crossroads, and the Obama campaign have all run ads at a rate that suggests this is October in a swing state. I’ve seen them on cable channels which while national, I thought cable ad buys could be done by local provider. I’ve also seen them on local Boston stations. Certainly nobody on either side thinks MA is in play even with a former Governor as the GOP nominee! The most recent poll has the President with a double-digit lead here with NH as the only questionable state within reach of the Boston market, with POTUS slightly ahead. Are NH’s four electoral votes really worth the expense of a Boston ad buy? If I’m right about local cable providers that only reaches within the community, right? Does anyone have any insight as to what the strategy might be here because I’m coming up empty?
What’s with the presidential ads already?
Please share widely!
(as it seems to me) that everybody addicted to the MacL@@han Tube ought to see no matter where they live.
I though I had a hook for mention of it in the this-turns-into-that thread, but here looks as good or better, so
This (“pure acid”) just in:
(( fold here ))
Freedame Henneberg omits to mention that His Excellency will soon be goin’ offshore, no doubt so as to focus the freelordly jobcreationist economic laser better from afar.
Happy days.