Members of Join the Impact MA caused a big splash at the Chick-Fil-A location in the Burlington Mall Friday night. Focused on Chic-Fil-A’s anti-gay corporate giving, about 15 LGBT activists locked lips and turned the page on corporate President Dan Cathy’s personal beliefs about marriage. Among Chick-Fil-A’s beneficiaries is Exodus International, which promotes discredited quack therapy that harms mental health as it attempts the impossible–turning gays straight. The American Family Association (“AFA”) and the Family Research Council, both Southern Poverty Law Center designated hate groups, also receive Chick-Fil-A dollars and have close ties to those calling for the execution of gay people in Africa. The AFA advocates imprisonment of gay people who engage in “sodomy” in the United States.
Coverage of the kiss-in in Burlington has been extensive. For a sample:
…since it takes 2 to kiss, how is it that the odd number of 15 is cited as how many participated?:)
but the number is approximate.
Dan Cathy is not just against gay marriage. He’s against any civil rights at all for gay people. That’s kind of different.
which Join the Impact MA is going to share with our wider membership:
When all this PDA went on. And I don’t care if it’s straight or gays kissing each other. This isn’t New Orleans during Mardi Gras. It is the Burlington Mall!!!
15 people and we break out the champagne????? That is defined as success?
Right, this is the Burlington Mall. Where those “underaged kids” will be watching blood and gore at the Burlington Mall theater, like “Total Recall”, “The Dark Knight Rises” (death toll — 12 and counting), and “The Watch”. We can’t have them watching PDA (regardless of gender participation), but violence is just fine.
You know perfectly well what I meant by underaged, not Jr High or HS but parents with their little kids, let’s say 10 and under. You think they should have to put up with that PDA?
We’ve even had BMGers who were better at taunting.
You say we shouldn’t express same-sex affection and then suggest there should have been more of us doing it. Would you really be as concerned if it were an opposite sex couple holding hands or kissing? Considering all the straight PDA we see on a daily basis, you must be in a constant state of consternation.
“Constant state of consternation”? I’d say that’s about right.
And all this time I thought he was whining about his Personal Digital Assistant 🙂
If I saw adult straight people showing PDA like at a food court, I would say to myself “Grow up and act your age” or if with my wife, I would say “look at those idiots, they think they are 18 years old”.
love wasn’t his bag either.
Image people with young kids at the food court having to put up with that nonsense. People can’t even eat in peace, anymore?
Reminds me of Paris…in the summer…when it sizzles…
Right. You obviously do not have kids yourself.
It’s too bad that the best things in life seem to make you so unhappy.
And people are lip locking. You are fine with subjecting kids to this? Tell me you are not that crazy.
Get a grip.
Yup, I’m fine with it. Doesn’t sound like you’ve spent much time with six year olds.
There is enuff junk on the idiot box as it is. No wonder we have so many kids getting pregnant, you want them expose to crap at such a young age. Know I know why. Here it is folks, your Democrat Agenda below.
Exposé kids under 10 to “love”, hopefully they have kids before 18, they end up in poverty, but by being poor, they emit much less carbon than they would if the were independent and self-sufficient (ie. making money). This is a formula to combat global warming!!! I figured you out, Tom.
It doesn’t sound like you’ve spent much time around kids.
so let’s change the topic to missile sizes.
I think we could a penetrating analysis of THAT.
Maîtresse, embrasse-moi, baise-moi, serre-moi,
Haleine contre haleine, échauffe-moi la vie,
Mille et mille baisers donne-moi je te prie,
Amour veut tout sans nombre, amour n’a point de loi.
is sounding a lot like Pepe Le Pew.
“America didn’t get any holier or more “free” last Wednesday. It just got meaner and fatter, and even more rage-filled than it was before Mr. Cathy decided to sell his version of Christianity instead of chicken.”
…ultimately those who favor marriage equality will get it while those who expressed their opposition the other day will get Type II Diabetes.
As for young kids witnessing kisses, my experience is that it’s the kids that will say “that’s icky” while the parents will wonder what the fuss is about. There’s nothing wrong with them seeing people being affectionate – and I thought I was prude!
To me the only valid argument against progressives patronizing Chik Fil A is that the profits due go to some pretty hateful organizations, particularly Exodus and the Family Research Council. Sad to say it appears that the protests and kiss ins have done a lot less than the extra millions of sales seen during ‘Chik Fil A Appreciation Day’ in disarming the hate mongers. How about we ignore Chik Fil A and start patronizing pro-LGBT businesses instead?
An Amazon binge perhaps since Bezos gave over $1mil to the Marriage Equality campaign? A Speilberg (huge prop 8 opponent) marathon at a local LGBT friendly cinema like the Brattle with profits going to Marriage Equality campaign? I feel that the Kiss Ins and other events like that are just giving that side the victimhood and added profits it seeks. A ton of local restaurants in Chicago are selling chik fil a style sandwiches, I can attest the one that I tried was FAR superior tasting, and they are putting the profits towards Illinois Equal Marriage, which is also collecting signatures for a pro-LGBT rights petitions and collecting money for incumbents that supported the Civil Unions bill. That seems a lot more positive than drawing more attention to this chain, attention that seems to be helping its bottom line rather than hurting it.
as I wrote elsewhere.
One might even imagine starting a campaign that emphasizes Chik Fil A’s sandwiches are inferior and one could tie that to the notion that diversity and tolerance create wealth and innovation.
so I’ll pass your suggestion along to others. And I don’t mean to seem ungrateful for constructive criticism.
… as a vegetarian sandwich? Surely diversity in sandwiches would have to include vegetarian fare. Don’t give up so easily. 🙂
which LGBT activists are trying to expose using our rights of free expression. It’s ironic how some show solicitude for Dan Cathy’s uncontested right to oppose marriage equality while supporting sodomy laws and quack “reparative therapy,” yet chide LGBT spokespeople for doing the same thing.
The fighting-young-righty-who-can-talk-to-kids and favorite foil of UP with Chris Hayes made an appearance in today’s Globe blaming Menino for everything – or nearly everything.
But he could have written a piece about Chick-fil-yourpockets corporate funding of anti-gay groups.