Update from Miami Herald: GOP delays convention business due to Isaac
Be careful what you pray for. Remember back in August, 2008 when Focus on the Family’s Stuart Shepard asked people to pray that Barack Obama’s Democratic nominee acceptance speech would get swamped by torrential rain? Click on the picture to the right to take you to the video.
Would it be wrong to ask people to pray? Would it be wrong if we asked people to pray for rain?
O.K., not just rain, abundant rain. Torrential rain. Urban and small stream flood advisory rain.
Would it be wrong if we prayed for rain on, say, a particular night at, say, a particular location? Ah, say the evening of August 28th, right here at Mile High Stadium here in Denver. During the prime time t.v. hour when a certain presumptive nominee is set to give a certain acceptance speech at a certain Democratic National Convention?
I’m talkin’ umbrella ain’t gonna help ya rain. Not flood people out of their houses rain, just good old swamp the intersections rain.
We’re not asking for hail the size of canned hams, or lightening bolts to set the bunting on fire. Just rain. Beautiful rain. Network cameras can’t see the podium rain. Attendees can’t walk to the indoor arena without wishing for hip waders rain.
I know you might ask why would I pray for that. Well, I’m still pro-life and I’m still in favor of marriage being only between one man and one woman. And I’d like the next president, who’ll select justices for the U. S. Supreme Court to agree.
So I’m praying for unexpected, unanticipated, unforecasted rain that starts two minutes before the speech is set to begin.
Would it be wrong to pray for rain?
With tropical storm Isaac headed for Florida where the Republican National Convention will begin on Monday, I’d say God is giving Stuart Shepard and his mean spirited compatriots a refresher course in Matthew 7:12, the Golden Rule: “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.”
I’d like to think they’ll take the hint, but judging by the Republican Party’s anti-woman, anti-LGBT 2012 platform, it doesn’t look likely.
Cross-posted at Pam’s House Blend.
…and Hurricane Isaac might wreck some havoc as well!:)
I will still pray for the safety and welfare of everyone in Tampa, particularly the average citizen who will be negatively affected by the convention and might be endangered if this gets serious. I appreciate the tongue in cheek irony though.
It looks like the storm will not hit Tampa, but they should get their rain.
The convention will go off like they always do. I also think the GOP will make some hay on the issues they want.
As for the weather, it will rain out. The only people getting rained on will be protestors outside the convention.
I heard asswipe Chris Matthews snidely commenting last night about the Tampa Convention Center being built by government money (wink, wink…) which only shows he’s totally incoherent about the whole “we built this” mistake by Obama and the GOP reaction to it. Such a water carrier for the DEMS. I know FOX has its water carriers but Mathews tries to say he’s objective (as he would say “HA!”). By the way, if I make fun of the way Chris Mathews (or Glen Beck) talks, spits and his mannerisms… it’s ok, but if I make fun of bobble head Rev Al Sharpton’s mannerism, speech, looks… I would surely be called a racist. Why?
Seriously, on what planet do you live where you have been protected from the sad and tragic history of race relations in America from Colonial Times until now?
Two Follow up questions:
1) Name one, just one, “BobleHead” on Faux News that is not a water carrier for the RNC?
Bill O’Reilly. Greta.
2) If I burn a candle in Church, that makes me a good Catholic, but if I burn just one cross on someone’s lawn, and that makes me a Racist or and Anti-Semite (depending of course on the owner of the lawn). Why? I don’t understand!
That’s a wonderful story but it has nothing to do with what I was asking.
Bill O’Reilley!?!? I will not defile my search history with this waste of DNA. My only memory of watching Greta was when you had Sarah Palin on, and I can only tolerate so much Birther nonsense. Never watch again, EVER.
Part 2:
You asked:
You are correct, you will surely be called a racist. If you are asking this question sincerely, then In My Opinion, you are a racist.
The quote, by the way, is from “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane“, in which Joan Crawford, who has spent the entire movie in a wheelchair and being tortured by Betty Davis cries, “YOU WOULDN’T BE DOING THIS TO ME IF I WASN’T IN THIS WHEELCHAIR.”, to which Betty Daviis, say “But you are Blanche, you are in that wheelchair”. Which in popular culture has been shortened to just “You are, Blanche, you are” to respond affirmatively to self-evident and obviously ludicrous questions, such as:
In my mind, this question could not be more obviously self-evident than if you were to ask, “So I burned one tiny little cross on someone’s lawn, does that make me a racist?” As AN EXAMPLE.
Unfortunately, you and others will never be part of a solution to our problems… the Voldemort effect.
will openly whine, “why is it OK for Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan and Dave Chappelle to use the “N-Word” but it is not OK for me?”
Boo Fricken Hoo!
Bill O’Reilly?????? Words fail me.
If you don’t want to be called “racist”, “sexist”, “xenophobe”, and so on, then take another look at how you present yourself here. Your comment about Al Sharpton might be a good starting point.
Why am I not surprised about our inability to discuss anything regarding race without being called a racist. This from a person who translates Scott Brown’s comment to EW about telling her to “shut up” into it being a sexist comment.
and someone is returning to poopy imagery…..