Put up or shut up, Massachusetts GOP! Where’s is the movement? The Massachusetts healthcare law has been in place for six years and has been expanded upon recently!
No matter what, Massachusetts Republicans are at least consistently inconsistent with their outrage. Many prominent Republican Massachusetts officials and politicians expressed their concern over the health insurance mandate in the Affordable Healthcare Act President Obama passed.
Yet, the very same mandate they loathed in Obama’s law, is here in Massachusetts, and nobody has tried to eliminate it? Why? Is it because it is a Romney, Republican plan?
Has former state rep candidate, Brad Marston tried to repeal it in Massachusetts? GOP committeeman Brock Cordeiro, how about you? Nothing?
This has nothing to do with a State vs. Federal rights, the tenth amendment, this has to do with the mandate itself. They fight and debate against raising fees for gun licenses right? Well, unless it was Romney who did it, then they are silent as little church mice.
This has nothing to do with whether Massachusetts had the right to do it at all. Massachusetts has the right to raise sales taxes,income taxes and other fees and the GOP consistently fights against that all the time. Why not fight the mandate as well?
Are Massachusetts Republicans comfortable with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mandating that everyone have health insurance? Are they content that there is a “TAX” incurred by those who choose not to pay it? It seems as though they are. The silence speaks volumes.
Massachusetts Republicans, like Senator Scott Brown should be pushing for its repeal also or how about former candidate for Governor, Charlie Baker? These two people obviously have a lot of power within the Republican party. They could most definitely do it!
As Romney’s spokeswoman , Andrea Saul said about Joe Soplic, the star of an Obama ad, if he just had lived in Massachusetts, he would have been covered by Romney healthcare law.
So Massachusetts Republicans, please stop with your fabricated outrage over something you support in your own state, it makes they good people of your party look really bad.