[Cross-posted from the ProgressMass blog. Like ProgressMass on Facebook and follow on Twitter.]
The Republican National Convention, otherwise known as the Mitt Romney Coronation, is less than a month away. But Republicans have yet to select their convention’s Keynote Speaker.
Republican Scott Brown is the ideal Republican to serve as Keynote Speaker for the upcoming Republican National Convention!
Republican Scott Brown is very close and shares staff with presumptive nominee Mitt Romney. Also, he champions key GOP policies: watering down Wall Street regulations; protecting tax giveaways for Big Oil and enormous tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans; and opposing life-saving, cost-cutting heath care reform.
If you agree that Republican Scott Brown should be the Republican National Convention’s Keynote Speaker, head over to Facebook and Like our new page: “Draft Scott Brown for GOP National Convention Keynote Speaker!”
Republican Scott Brown might shy away from highlighting his close ties to Mitt Romney and an unpopular national Republican Party, so head over to Facebook, Like the “Draft Scott Brown for GOP National Convention Keynote Speaker” page, and offer Brown a little encouragement today!
Most probably Rubio and Christie, but could include Walker from WI or Scott from FL. Also Martinez from NM.
They make the most sense.
Ferhnstrom’s lap during a keynote address.
I think the smart money’s still on Reagan’s corpse because 1 – he’s Reagan and 2 – he’s dead so won’t embarrass Republicans by being so far to their left.
As my dad said – “He’s Dan Quayle without the brains.”
If he’s a doofus, Fehrstrom couldn’t hold loser/buffoon Bob Shrum’s coat. Shrum is the worst, I can’t believe he has the stones to show up on TV.
Shrum. Shrum was like an order picker in the JC Penney campaign warehouse getting paid as the CEO of a Versace. It’s no wonder his candidates all came back NO SALE.
Ol’ Ferhnie’s does a lot of stuff right. I give Brown props for hiring Ol’ Fernie. He’d never have gotten this far without Ol’ Fernie.
Why the obession? Aside from being a walking tubesteak, he has made himself the news. First as a sock puppet Twitter campaign against a Democratic also ran for senate. Then the Etch-a-Sketch gaffe that reinforced Romney’s image as a flip-flopper.
Fehrnstrom’s tactics–like the whole Cherokee thing–offend our sensibilities. I’m not trying to argue the heritage question, but you are aware that, rightly or wrongly, we liberals were offended. Call it a matter of style, if you like, but we don’t like that kind of Heraldy stuff.
From a completely practical standpoint, it benefits the Democratic cause to demonstrate his shortcomings.
The photo looks like Scott is really enjoying have a “sword fight” with Williard. Or that they were caught only seconds after tongue kissing.