The increasingly disgusting Lawrence Eagle Tribune is outraged:
“Editorial: Taxpayers foot bill to bring Warren voters to polls”
“we learned that one of the leaders of Demos, the organization backing the lawsuit in Massachusetts, is Amelia Warren Tyagi, Elizabeth Warren’s daughter.”
“In a race as close as the Brown-Warren contest, just a small percentage of success in this voter registration drive could tip the election to Warren. ”
“It was Democratic policies that turned a nation of hard-working individualists into one of government-dependent benefits recipients. Now, this newly formed Democratic constituency cannot even be bothered to forgo an afternoon of Jerry Springer reruns to register to vote as the rest of us do. Taxpayers are compelled to deliver postage-paid voter registration forms direct to their couches and easy chairs so that these paragons of civic duty will not be inconvenienced in any way by the obligation to vote.”
Everyone on BMG was all about quoting the ET owned Newburyport News (about Brown) when it suited their point.
I think the ET rocks, but of course Methuen is potrayed as a cluster eff (latest, the mayor’s wife owns an abandoned house in Lawrence that people use as a public bathroom) in the paper, and you would disagree with that I’m sure.
What is your point in attacking the “Methuen” portion of methuenprogressive’s handle — other than a gratuitous ad hominem?
In the old ratings system, I’d give this comment a “0”.
A lot of the comments you post here blame the news source for whatever the post says. Why don’t you be specific about your objections instead of just saying “GlobeSux!” etc. — or projecting that on the rest of us?
And methuenprogressive: Please add some of your own commentary, rather than just pointing us to the latest outrage-du-jour.
Starts this post and meth progressive is a frequent ET critic (note ET is the parent publication for a number of North Shore newspapers).
There are a couple of common BMG debate tactics, one of which is to criticize the source of the poster’s information. I don’t think I do much of that, because I get my own information from all over the place and appreciate the complexity of the news. Check out how much analysis Nate Silver had to do on “Ryan Bounce”
I just don’t think you can bash a publication one day and then source them the next. If the Globe is biased in the Probation Scandal, it’s entirely possible they are biased elsewhere.
I know this piece is focusing on their editorial page, but that’s not new either- the ET has a particular line of reporting and editorializing that seems to appeal to their audience. A person there told me their Lawrence stories (about the various scandals) triple news stand sales, so I can see why they like to print the outrage.
My small business owning grampa (Pats Variety of North Cambridge fame) tried and helped my mom as best she could after her divorce from an abusive first husband when she had to raise my brother and sister by herself. But she still needed Medicaid, WIC, CEDA education grants (a ladder Ronnie Reagan pulled up), and yes some welfare. She was ashamed to be on it and worked hard every day during that period to get off. So do most recipients. They ate not layabouts and they sometimes juggle several jobs across several towns without a car and work harder than most. To Brown, whose own mon was similar to mine, and that coward editor who won’t put his name on
the byline-you can see which finger in holding up now.