A president with class; the ability to rise above the “sceptred swap” as
Shakespeare wrote, would put aside past differences and accept the offer
of the nation’s highest ranking Catholic leader, Cardinal Dolan, to deliver a one minute benediction
at the Charlotte DNC Convention.
But Barack Obama – and/or his staff – reportedly didn’t rise above on this one and
rejected the offer. And though Dolan
will give a prayer at the RNC bash, the presidential gesture should should have been to embrace a
bipartisan blessing and thus be portrayed to the nation as the bigger guy with class.
I’m an openly Gay guy, past G.O.P. pundit; and served as the campaign
manager for Barney Frank in 2010. Talk about eclectic. All that’s missing
from my curriculum vitae is a tour of duty in the Mossad.
I’m workin on that one.
Thus, most of me can’t vote for Romney, even though I agree
with the Democrat underground (read – Democrats who truth speak after martinis at Mistral) that
Potus has become increasingly insular and ill advised.
Chicago H.Q. is running an all too morose campaign when they cling
to grudges as if life preservers after the ship has floundered. Forget
the fact that Catholics represent a quarter of the electorate. Regardless of your point of view, saying “thanks but
no thanks” to the jocular and highly popular Cardinal Dolan is just small time politics.
Was Dolan overly aggressive when he clashed with Potus on the
law requiring employers to cover abortion procedures?
Well….does it matter?
Was Team POTUS really shocked that the head of the Conference of Catholic Bishops
displayed his pro life credentials?
Did Axelrod forget to forward the memo to staff that the Pope is Catholic
and Princes of the Church are pro life?
The Obama of 2008 was smoother, smarter and classier than this;
tactically ready to diffuse dissent with an open hand of friendship that
would quickly disarm the hyper critics. He instinctively knew how to be gracious and rise above; and a typical victor in his position
would not have appointed his principal rival to the coveted post
of secretary of state. The day he did that, Obama showed JFK-like
But that noble behavior pattern has dissipated like so much water on a steamy, summer’s day.
And the finger of blame can be pointed at an exhausted, in-fighting staff which is
not serving their client well.
My advise is to take Chicago H.Q. and turn it upside down and then shake vigorously.
Then bring on board this Cajun guy I know named James Carville.
He’ll set the ship on a more positive course and possibly pull in the big win; based
on real substance.
The present crew is just too negative and petty and are not serving POTUS
in the smart way they did four years ago.
Please share widely!