MassGOP Chair Bob Maginn pictured with his wife Ling Chai, could end up in jail for political and financial corruption if his actions are deemed illegal
In an explosive Complaint filed in Suffolk Superior Court that could not only take down the current MassGOP Chairman, the current MassGOP Chairman Bob Maginn and two former Congressmen, Peter Blute and Peter Torkildsen, may end up in jail for political and financial corruption.
This past Friday August 17th, former Jenzabar Chief Financial Officer Alan MacDonald sued Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman and current Jenzabar CEO Bob Maginn for Political and Financial Corruption.
Of the explosive charges against Maginn, is that as both Chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party and also CEO of Jenzabar, Maginn has been squandering cooperate money on political interests and illegally compensating employees like former Congressmen Blute and Torkildsen for their campaign contributions to Republican politicians.
Other explosive charges against Maginn in this court case, include MacDonald asserting that as both MassGOP Chairman and Jenzabar CEO, Maginn is also co-mingling party politics and fundraising money of the Massachusetts Republican Party with day to day business activities and business finances of Jenzabar.
MacDonald contends that Maginn has engaged in:
“improper cooperate spending reduced the value of his equity in the company, creating a breach of fiduciary duties for shareholders…
If these charges are found to be true, the current Massachusetts Republican Chairman Bob Maginn will undoubtedly face criminal charges and jail time for trading business transactions and jobs at Jenzabar for political donations from the likes of former Congressmen Peter Blute and Peter Torkildsen, both of whom have donated tens of thousands of dollars to the party since December 2011 when Maginn was elected MassGOP Chairman. Since Maginn’s election, he hired both Blute and Torkildsen as unpaid Deputy MassGOP Chairmen while at the same time hired both Blute and Torkelson as paid consultants at Jenzabar.
Now this inappropriate relationship or as many would call it a “corrupt bargain” between Maginn and the Former Congressmen Blute and Torkildsen has been brought to the public’s attention through the lawsuit by Mr. MacDonald alleging the political and financial corruption by MassGOP Chairman Maginn, Jenzabar, and these former Congressmen.
Blute was fired for his infamous drunken boat cruise with hookers in Boston Harbor while working as Executive Director of MassPort. Peter Blute and Torkildsen were the last Republican Congressmen in Massachusetts serving from 1993-97.
Also named in the lawsuit being sued is Maginn’s wife and business partner Ling Chai. Chai created unwanted controversy for her husband when last fall 2011 in his run for MassGOP Chairman when Chai endorsed the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Boston offering the fledging socialist movement to be a leader for them and help them organize. This controversy upset the conservative wing of the MassGOP party. To read about this click on this link.
To read about the political and financial corruption by MassGOP Chair Maginn, these former Congressmen, and the innapropropriate “pay for jobs” deal between MassGOP donors and Jenzabar read the following Boston Globe article: “Mass. GOP chair’s firm spent on politics, lawsuit contends”
Maginn not only should go to jail for political and financial corruption but from what I hear, a voter fraud lawsuit is going to be filed against him for election theft of the delegate elections for their National Convention.
Sounds bad. Have there been any actual criminal charges yet, explosive or otherwise? If so, could be more prison time for MA politicians!
What an explosive post that was!. Boom! A new BMGer mercyotis explodes into BMG and in his or her first explosive post explodes this explosive news.
I will be interested in hearing what journalist say about this bomb.
I’m not exactly buddies with Mr. Maginn, which is to say that I didn’t know what he even looked like until I saw the above photo, but to write – and infer – that people are heading to jail is a bit over the top….would you not think?
First, it’s a civil case. Can the writer tell us about pending criminal charges and at what jurisdiction – federal or state? That’s what has the potential for incarceration.
Second, the writer says Mr. Maginn “will undoubtedly face criminal charges and jail time.” Could you please justify that? Have you inside information from a prosecutor’s office? The word ‘undoubtedly’ means certainty. Upon what information do you base the certainty of criminal charges and jail time?
I for one am no fan of the people you scribe about ….. but histrionics is just too Howie Carr like for a substantive blog. It reminds me of the rantings of crazy “birthers.” Why stoop to that same level.
Reporting on the civil complaint is one thing. Jumping to conclusions is a bad form of excercise.
for Dan Hominem to relate this to John Tierney?