Now BMG has posted very positively about EW raising money, like this…
The second quarter numbers are in (via email; here’s a brief Globe story), and they’re even better than last time. Elizabeth Warren is a truly astounding fundraiser.
Warren’s overall take for April through June of this year was a staggering $8.67 million. That’s about $1.7 million better than last quarter. Overall (since the beginning of the campaign), Warren reports well over 40,000 donations from inside Massachusetts. The campaign also reports that June was Warren’s best single fundraising month yet, accounting for $3.1 million. Perhaps most impressive is this: over half the donations were for $25 or less, and 81% were $50 or less.
The campaign now reports $13.5 million cash-on-hand. Amazing.
But now Mitt Romney raises a boatload of money for the race and let the BS begin. Tell me why this is a “bad” thing. So is it good for challengers like EW… but wait, Mitt is the challenger.
Both campaigns sought to project broad bases of support. Romney’s reported that 94 percent of donations in July were $250 or less; Obama’s claimed 98 percent.
I think this is great news for Romney. But before you talk about anyone “buying the election”, consider this… in 2008 Obama outspent McCain $750 million to $288 million.
So, how do you view the support for Mitt?
If you are interested in donating to the Romney campaign… click here. [Link adjusted. 😉 -ed.]
whosmindingdemint says
Christopher says
This is a Democratic blog. We will cheer when a Dem does well, but when a Republican does well, not so much. Obama still way ahead in the Electoral College, for the record.
kbusch says
John has recently discovered that BMGers have an asymmetric response to political events.
johnd says
While the echo chamber is blaring here, you constantly inject words of reality. And you certainly display the view of a partisan but one who doesn’t deny how things are. I do not expect asymmetric responses to “all” events but I will try to point out the obvious ones.
kbusch says
you could have written exactly something like this 5 years ago. Do you really want the same conversation over and over?
johnd says
But I do expect people to be honest and say that something is good for the goose and is also good for the gander. Polls mean something or they don’t, regardless of whether your person is up or down.
I know it’s a Dem blog but thanks for the reminder.
kbusch says
Rather than having us say it, why don’t you figure out what the banally standard liberal answer is here (hint: there is one).
Why don’t you figure out what that is and offer a retort?
johnd says
“not knowing what you guys are thinking”… But I’ll take the hint and try to predict the standard answer next time, but please note any smacks I get for it. Still waiting for your comments on what will happen regarding the tax cut extensions?? Don’t ignore me, I’ll get a complex.
kbusch says
I’m having too much fun berating dont-get-cute.
David says
nothing until the beginning of next year when they all expire. Then the Democrats will push a bill extending the tax cuts for all but top income earners. That bill will be very hard to vote against for anyone, including Republicans.
johnd says
you may have seen my post from a few days ago where I mentioned the House voting 256-171 in favor of extending ALL of the Bush/Obama tax cuts, included 19 Democrats. Why would you think the House would approve the unfair idea of cutting only low/middle income taxes?
I hope they all go away but I fear they will all be extended.
Mr. Lynne says
… sell as unfair.
johnd says
I think Americans like the idea of fair and when I hear MSNBC commercials about “fair” and “sharing the burden”, I think it means sharing as in we all have to give more, not just the rich.
David says
to the polling on this issue, which consistently shows strong support for the Democratic position. But don’t bother letting facts get in the way of how you wish things were.
johnd says
So, you found a poll to support your position, well whooptido!
Ok, I guess your remarks mean that polls are indicative of how things will go… have you been “paying attention” to what Americans think about Obamacare (this is an aggregate of Rasmussen Reports, NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl, CBS News/NY Times, NPR, Reuters/Ipsos, ABC News/Wash PostPew Research, CNN/Opinion Research, FOX News, Associated Press/GfK)
So according to your logic I guess Obamacare will be history soon. Polls = facts in your world, right?
So don’t be sticking a story about some weak Democratic Senator and some poll out there as “FACTS” about what is going to happen regarding the tax cuts… really????
I’ll buy you lunch if the House/Senate pass a bill regarding the Bush/Obama tax cuts where only the rich (over $250K) pay more and the low/middle keep their tax cuts. Certainly someone with the “facts” behind them as you have stated should take that bet!
Mr. Lynne says
…. but I wouldn’t advise it.
whosmindingdemint says
This time implying that we are dishonest. I asked you yesterday what outcome you expected from these zero-sum posts of yours but you didn’t answer. It is possible that you don’t have an answer, but I will ask it again.
BTW: we will never cheer for Romney when he is “up” or nearly up or scoring point in the middle rounds. Why? Because he is bad for the country. He has bad ideas and a weak, though pernicious, character.
centralmassdad says
Like everything else (filibuster, deficit, etc.) you guys can just exchange copy when circumstances warrant.
jconway says
Big kudos for that remark, give me credit for being one of the few consistent filibuster defenders and deficit hawks on the blog. Also generally I think we shouldn’t be celebrating any politician raising money since it just feeds into the idea that money and politics go together and raising money is the most important thing a candidate could do. My favorite non-existent headline “Warren and Brown get $10 million each from Federal Election Commission to spend on their campaigns, Romney and Obama get $100 million each from the FEC to spend on their campagns, as always private and corporate donations are illegal in the United States”
methuenprogressive says
…and picked Sarah Palin. On top of that, Scott Brown has made some very bizarre claims about his family – but can produce no documentation proving those claims. Can you justify the $77,000.00 tax deduction the Romneys took for her Olympic horse? Is Scott Brown’s daughter still taking advantage of the Marxist Kenyan Chinese Harvard Obamacare you hate so much? Why do you think the early apple crop means the Mars landing was faked?
whosmindingdemint says
Republicans are going ballistic because Harry Reid keeps saying Romney paid no taxes for ten years. For this, the Commander of the Death Star known as the Republican party, Reince Priebus, called Reid a dirty liar.
McCain is the only one who knows the truth, yet he hasn’t called Reid a liar…hmmm
johnd says
I have no idea about Romney’s $77K tax deduction nor do I care. If it is legal then it’s a non-issue, otherwise the IRS should address it not me. Scott Brown’s daughter on Obamacare… explain. Obamacare is the law of the land so don’t we all have to follow it. I might hate the 65 MPH speed limit but I still have to follow the law, right? Or can I speed if I don’t like it.
whosmindingdemint says
Get lost – now
Dump this fool.
Mr. Lynne says
“otherwise the IRS should address it not me.”
You elect the government John. Unless you think policies don’t matter in elections, then how the government gathers revenue is something you should care about.
johnd says
I don’t want to live in a world where asswipes like US Senator Harry Reid can make a charge that Mitt Romney paid no taxes and we all believe the accuser with absolutely no proof of the charge. There are tens/hundreds of millions of people in this country using the tax system with all the various tax deductions. Is it up to me/you to assertion whether any individual’s use of a completely legal tax deduction is legal or justified? I believe one of the policies you mention is that taxes are confidential between the filer and the IRS. If the IRS has an issue with an item then it is up to them to enforce their rules.
If we had irrefutable proof of a tax item then we could discuss the legal, moral or ethic aspects but we don’t, just bullshit charges (like people asking for Obama’s birth certificate).
Mr. Lynne says
I’m talking about *that* its legal (the policy). If it’s legal for Romney to take a outrageous deductions, good on him for doing so. But that he likes outrageous deductions would is a policy matter and that you should care about.
Mr. Lynne says
…. if someone if someone shoots a man in the face for no other reason than he gave a dirty look and we find out that it was legal, our first reaction shouldn’t be ‘good on him’ or ‘not my problem’ it should be ‘why the hell is that legal?’
johnd says
I want tax reform in the worst way, but until it happens then I won’t begrudge anyone for taking the deductions. I am dead set against pork barrel spending and “earmarks”. But until they are eliminated for every state then I want MA to get our fair share. Are you in favor of getting rid of home mortgage deductions? Do you still take one on your taxes?
SomervilleTom says
The most effective way you could make tax reform happen is to boot out the crazy right wing GOP extremists (have you READ the Paul Ryan “budget”?) and support the Democrats or even moderate Republicans.
Do YOU favor getting rid of home mortgage deductions? Seriously?
danfromwaltham says
and it still won’t be enough money.
Gotta love the Dems who’s say they just want to increase taxes on millionaires and billionaires which in their eyes are couples earning $250K a year. They make you think most people in that bracket earned that income since age 18 and have all this money saved. Do they know if a couple is paying for their kids college at BU that they are forking over $60,000 a year?
The only proposal I have heard from Mitt is eliminating mortgage interest deductions on vacation homes and capping it up to a million dollar mtg. I a fine with that, how about you, Tom?
mike_cote says
“Demo Rats” how blisteringly funny, pithy, how Noel Coward of you!
danfromwaltham says
iPad made the typo, not me.
HR's Kevin says
Yes, it helps Romney to raise more than Obama, but Romney’s problem is that he doesn’t have anything to spend it on. He has no fleshed out policies that he can promote, and literally no message other than “Obama is responsible for the lackluster Economy [even though he isn’t] and I am not Obama [no kidding]”. The biggest ad budget in the world can’t sell a boring product to people who don’t want to buy.
johnd says
Being a big Mitt supporter, it pains me to be waiting for the message… and waiting… and waiting. I believe he has a lot to say and I’m hoping he’s just smarter than me and will be relying on the Convention, the VP selection… to start to onslaught of Mitt’s plans and how he will help America come together and move forward. But at this point I have been very disappointed in his message of Obama being terrible since it will only work on a certain segment of the population and for only so long.
HR's Kevin says
I don’t think it will be possible for Mitt to formulate a message that is acceptable to the middle while not being directly contradicted by all the things that he uttered during the primaries. I don’t think he is ever going to be able to present a complete financial plan that is consistent with what he has already put out. If Mitt were a good candidate, Obama would be in serious trouble.
centralmassdad says
His dilemma is that he needs — NEEDS– a significant majority of the independent/undecideds, many of whom are “independent” because the party partisans turn them off. Any other candidate could have “pivoted” by now, having their base locked up, and moved to appeal to these voters.
But Romney doesn’t have his base all locked up. They won’t vote for Obama, but they may stay home and complain, and if they do, it is bad for Romney.
He cannot appeal to the middle without appalling his base, and so he has a problem.
danfromwaltham says
There is a reason why Mittm a dull candidate, is crushing Obama in fundraising. Below is how during the auto bailout, Team Obama threw non-union workers under the bus, just as he did with Rev. Wright and Israel last spring. How can Obama golf every day knowing people got screwed, yet made sure UAW had their noses wedged in the public trough?
HR's Kevin says
Romney gets a lot more rich people to give him more money because they know that Romney will let them continue to ream the American people.
It’s much easier to raise a million dollars from a 100 rich guys giving 10k each (5k + 5k from spouse), than it is to get a million from 10,000 regular people contributing $100. Duh.
danfromwaltham says
Now Obama’s allies are running a despicable ad blaming Romney for the cancer a woman got in 2006 b/c her hubby lost a job in 2001 that Bain ran. As someone who has seen the horrors of cancer in my family, and the pure EVIL cancer really is, the slow death it causes, I find the Democrats who ran the ad, and Carney refusing to denounce it, are slugs, plain and simple.
mike_cote says
Better we should give to this lying sack directly???
danfromwaltham says
You fine with that Democrat ad?
mike_cote says
And Mr. Joe is entitled to his opinion. Last I checked, it was a free country. Even after watching this AD, I plan to vote Democrat at every level.
Also, it was a Priorities USA ad, not a Democrat Ad. If you are going to get so hyperactive, get your damn facts straight first you “Libertarian Republican”.
danfromwaltham says
The ad was not denounced by Obama’s press secretary Jay Carney!!!! Of course it is a Democrat ad. The group who made it is run by Bill Burton who worked in the Obama White House.
Now using Joe’s logic, his wife died b/c of the free trade deals signed by Clinton and supported by Kennedy and Kerry. The ad is so disgusting, I expect Bob or Dave to denounce it soon.
mike_cote says
It is such a good thing that Romney is such a sack of excrement because he represents you perfectly. This ad was produced by Priorities USA and NOT BY THE DNC. That you feel the need to lie about it being a Democrat Ad speaks volumes about you. The hypocrisy and irony is just dripping down Moody Street, it makes complete sense that to defend the lying sack of excrement that is your Republican leader these days would require lies.
Shiny object: Romney Tax Return, so lets get all bent out of shape about a Super PAC while Fox is openly discussing whether to bombard the airwaves with 24/7 Reverend Wright garbage.
It is now over two weeks since I challenged you to write a Posting about why you believe GPAs and Transcripts are important and not just a Dog Whistle to the pathetic Republican “Afffirmative Action President” Meme. I have not seen it, where was your denunciation of your own dog-whistling crap?
Physician: Heal Yourself – ergo before you demand denunciation from others, you have some denunciations to do yourself.
mike_cote says
I see further down you are still beating the dead horse about transcripts and GPA and admission records as of Tuesday, 7 August at 10:49PM. Boring….
danfromwaltham says
W. Bush had better grades at Yale than Kerry did, so i want to apply the same standard in 2012. Is he hiding something?
mike_cote says
I am not Serri? I am Sparticus.
SomervilleTom says
I am ABSOLUTELY FINE with that ad, I’m glad to see truth finally being told.
Nothing in that ad says that Mitt Romney caused his wife to die of cancer. It says, instead, that Bain Capital’s WAY OF DOING BUSINESS destroys lives and kills people. He WAS LAID OFF. He DID LOSE HIS HEALTH INSURANCE. His wife DID DIE OF CANCER. Those were direct consequences of what Mitt Romney and Bain Capital did to his company.
When we center a health care industry around employer-provided health insurance, and we simultaneously encourage predatory vultures like Mitt Romney and Bain Capital to destroy companies, then the employees of those companies ARE GOING TO DIE.
The GOP hates this ad because they know it’s true.
johnd says
but sadly is also shows how low supports (like Tom) will go for their guy to win. As far as I can tell, nothing Obama (or his PACs) does will be off limits for the zealous supporters of Obama.
I know BMG likes to consider this a “reality” based blog so could someone confirm that this statement from Tom is is a fact…
Mitt Romney caused the woman to die of cancer!? Really! You have got to be shitting me. How many people die of cancer every year? Cancer sucks and kills so many innocent people, young and old… I find it incredibly offensive that Obama (or his PAC) would use this death to advance his political life. Sickening!!!
SomervilleTom says
Tell me, John, do you think that cutting off his wife’s health insurance benefits helped or hurt her prognosis?
What is the survival rate of those with cancer who are treated, versus those who are not treated because they lack health insurance?
As you do so often, you distorted my words. He are THE FACTS I recited:
3. His wife DID DIE OF CANCER.
I wrote “Nothing in that ad says that Mitt Romney caused his wife to die of cancer.” You wrote “Mitt Romney caused the woman to die of cancer!? Really! …”
Let me try this one more time, more slowly:
Nothing … in … that … ad … says … that … Mitt … Romney … caused … his … wife … to … die … of … cancer.
Got that?
Here’s what I did write:
Bain Capital’s WAY OF DOING BUSINESS destroys lives and kills people. .
The killer is Bain Capital’s WAY OF DOING BUSINESS.
I know it’s painful for you to see such an effective snapshot of just how evil the GOP program for America truly is. It’s offensive that any group would so flagrantly destroy and kill people — yet that is today’s GOP.
johnd says
His wife DID DIE OF CANCER. Those were direct consequences of what Mitt Romney and Bain Capital did to his company.
The plant closed in 2001 so this guy was laid off (like so many millions of Americans get laid off every year). His wife was working and had her own healthcare insurance. Her insurance was her primary while her husband’s was her secondary healthcare insurance. In 2002 or 2003, the woman hurt her shoulder and lost her job (and her insurance). Then in 2006, she thought she had pneumonia and went to the hospital and found out she had stage 4 cancer.
I think this is grotesque and I’m shocked at how low so many of you are going with this. I know you want Obama to win but look at the shit you are supporting. What happened to civility? I know some people like Tom rejected the cries for civility but really.
I go toe-to-toe with many of you on issues and I’m man enough to say I’ve learned a lot here and I get my head handed to me here by some very smart articulate people, but supporting this kind of shit is unforgivable.
I just can’t fucking believe you guys are ok with it. Christopher, really, Romney or Romney’s business tactics caused this woman to die from cancer? So this guy never gets laid off and his wife is alive today? My Father died from Pancreatic cancer at age 63, who can I go blame for that?
danfromwaltham says
Tommy Taxes is right, they never said Mitt killed the women!!!
Wolf Blitzer is a right-wing homophobe defending Mitt. And the two women reporters who agree with you and Wolf, they are just Michelle Bachmann wannabes.
mike_cote says
SomervilleTom says
The reason to limit or delete garbage like this is that it so significantly degrades the site — which is, I suspect, the reason why danfromwaltham is so prolific.
Sadly, this problem has destroyed MANY online communities. It is unfortunate that our choices for dealing with this behavior are still so crude.
kbusch says
Dan’s main accomplishment has been to make large parts of the site keenly boring as we get to read banal attacks and thoroughly predictable liberal responses.
danfromwaltham says
They believe the ad is below the belt and insinuated Mitt killed the woman.
Tom, I thought you had a sense of humor? Sorry calling you TT, I have been called much much worse. FYI, I only have one more strike before I am tossed so be sure to say u r cool with it.
johnd says
It would be good to have another conservative at this site but… stay within the guidelines of the site. We have some common beliefs so just discuss things from your solid conservative foundation and don’t get pulled into a hole. Don’t react, think… don’t reply, research. We don’t always get fed the truth on our side and nothing makes you feel more foolish than to preach about something you later find out to be false.
Rather than a machine gun assault, be a sniper, stay focused. Don’t call anyone any names, the joy is short-lived, empty and you’ll lose the audience and any respectful dialogue. I’ve learned this the hard way. And some people can get very excited here and will see red whenever they see your name or read your words. Ignore them if possible since it’s a fight you can’t win AND they will distract you.
I hope I keep seeing your comments (the constructive ones) and if I don’t, I assume you didn’t take my advice.
johnd says
Please enforce the rules and delete posts where Dan (or anyone else) is being called stupid, moron, fool…
SomervilleTom says
The sentence “your proposal is ignorant and incompetent” is different from “you are ignorant and incompetent”.
Dan has already indicated elsewhere that he sees no difference. The editors do.
HR's Kevin says
Like were not going to see ads tens times worse from Romney’s allies. I know you don’t care one bit whether any of Romney’s ads are accurate (cause they aren’t).
The underlying message of the ad is that Romney doesn’t care if Americans suffer because they don’t have sufficient medical coverage, and that seems to be pretty accurate.
Christopher says
He’s much closer than politicians who voted for free trade. I for one would be fine with the Obama campaign running the ad Dan cites rather than the SuperPAC. Romney is running as the guy who can create jobs. This ad not only points out yet another example of Romney destroying jobs, but ties those job losses to subsequent consequences for real people’s lives. Those who voted for free trade contributed the increase in jobs in the 1990s.
danfromwaltham says
Hate to tell you, nobody bats a 1000 in the private sector. Another fact, when the guy lost his job, his wife was still employed and had health insurance.
The ad is gross and with Reid saying Mitt paid no taxes for 10 years, all I can believe is Obama is not proud of his record as POTUS. Now there is a classmate who graduated from Columbia with Obama, who claims Barack got into Ivy League schools by claiming he was a foreign exchange student. Using Reid’s logic, he should prove it, right? Show us the college transcripts and applications.
Christopher says
…but I DO expect somebody who runs as a job creator not to have such a record of destroying jobs. The gentleman in the ad stands by it as they did not have enough coverage without his as well. Reid has a source in Bain he says who is in a position to know; a student in Columbia is full of it and is engaged in the academic equivalent of birtherism. Reid was right; Obama’s SuperPAC is right; the attempt to district is madeup BS!
Obama’s record is just fine, thank you, though it would admittedly be better if Congress were not so darn obstinate.
danfromwaltham says
Next you will tell me John Tierney knew nothing about his brother-in-laws illegal gambling.
kbusch says
You do not know whether Harry Reid is lying nor do you know whether John Tierney is. Suspicions, even strong suspicions, do not constitute knowledge.
HR's Kevin says
I do believe that some guy told him that Romney paid no taxes. And I don’t find it all that implausible that Romney might not have bragged to some rich investor how little taxes he was paying.
One thing is crystal clear to everyone including you: Romney is hiding something bad in those tax returns. There is no other rational explanation for why he hasn’t released them. If the missing returns are anything like his already released ones, there would be no problem. So why hasn’t he done so, especially when his own father released 12 years of returns? Where there is smoke, there is fire, as they say.
So did he pay no taxes? Or did he move a lot more assets overseas than he previously disclosed. Did he invest in things that directly go against his stated public beliefs? Did he use an illegal tax shelter? Did he get caught cheating on his taxes and had to pay significant penalties? Any of those are possible. Take your pick, but you can bet $10,000 that there is something there that could lose election for Romney if it were made public.
kbusch says
Has McCain answered Reid yet? Potentially he really knows from having vetted Romney as VP. And McCain is not exactly fond of Mr. Reid.
johnd says
Just wondering…
kbusch says
Romney on multiple occasions.
Reid claims proof. He might be wrong. McCain’s apparent silence is very telling. Very likely Reid is right. After all, Romney is a lying ass-wipe. (Your word)
johnd says
Isn’t the burden of proof on the person making the charge?
McCain’s silence means nothing. He may even be told to stay quiet. Some of these events are staged like a chess game… Reid makes the charge, McCain says it’s a lie and Romney releases the tax returns to show Reid was lying/wrong… result – Mitt releases his taxes. Again, you’re too smart to make that assumption.
I don’t think Romney is a liar.
SomervilleTom says
The only definitive way to show that Harry Reid’s source was mistaken (after all, Harry Reid has been clear this is second-hand) is for Mitt Romney to release the relevant tax returns.
Those tax returns will deal a mortal blow to Mitt Romney’s campaign — if not, he would have already released them. They are likely to show that everything Mitt Romney did was perfectly legal — and that’s the point.
kbusch says
Republican charges without proof were exactly what got us into Iraq.
methuenprogressive says
and picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. Sarah Freaking Palin.
johnd says
potential VP candidate. He rejected all of then accept Palin. Does that mean that every other candidate’s records (taxes, background, personal history, medical history… and whatever else they gather) indicates a problem? Or more specifically, does a candidate that got rejected mean it was because of his/her tax returns. Are you that clairvoyant?
Christopher says
…that CNN’s checking fell for the idea that Romney “left” Bain in 1999 despite still being listed as Chairman, Owner, CEO, and sole stockholder. I don’t care how hands off your leadership style is. If those are your titles the buck still stops with you, and you can be just as guilty of a sin of omission as commission.
danfromwaltham says
You can be sure one is guilty if they are sealed and won’t be released. Don’t ya love Christopher Logic?
mike_cote says
Still waiting for your posting on this subject. Write a posting, or divorce yourself from this pathetic racist “Affirmative Action President” meme.
Still waiting.
methuenprogressive says
The President is black. Get over it.
HR's Kevin says
I don’t care if Obama got all C’s. There can be no question that Obama is a smart guy.
I know for a fact that Obama’s transcripts do not hide millions of dollars of offshore bank accounts, illegal tax shelters, questionable deductions, or controversial investments.
Absolutely no undecided voter is going to care about either Obama or Romney’s grades in college. They absolutely will care about what is hidden in Romney’s taxes.
By all means waste your trolling efforts on the transcript non-issue. If the crazy right is determined to spend its energy on stuff like this, then Obama doesn’t have waste any time trying to worry about them.
Christopher says
You’ll probably outlast me in the fight for the last word, but I’ve already said basically that about Tierney, and there is no reason to ask about transcripts as he’s clearly an intelligent guy. Asking Romney about his taxes, which I ordinarily wouldn’t care about, has become more relevant because it fits into the discussion about tax policy. Asking about Obama’s transcripts is academic birtherism implying he can’t hack it, while nobody’s asking about Romney’s transcripts. The Columbian student raising these doubts claims he never met Obama despite that they were polisci students at the same time. I KNOW I did not meet every other polisci major at GWU when I was there. Both universities are too big for that. You are being a troll and I’m done!
jconway says
I don’t celebrate candidates raising money, it sickens me when they do in either party, the thing to celebrate is the day when candidates are prohibited and restricted from raising money and get public funds.
Christopher says
…I fail to see how that was a reply to my comment.