Today the premier news source within the beltway solicited a lullaby from Scott P. Brown to the millions of small business owners who were just crushed by the news that Obama, and Elizabeth Warren, think they can’t even tie their shoes without help from the federal guv’mnt.
Brown launches into a whole litany of statements that were never uttered by anyone until he came along. Things like, “that they’re talking about you — and it’s their way of saying that government is entitled to more of what you built…anti-free enterprise attitude, epitomized by Elizabeth Warren, the liberal Harvard professor who has made it the calling card of her Senate campaign against me, is that every achievement in life is a collective effort…If only leftists like Warren and all Occupy protesters weren’t so wrapped up in taxing and regulating them without end or in denigrating their achievements, these men and women would do even greater things and hire even more workers…” blah, blah. Small business people whistle while they work.
Of course, he probably didn’t mean to say this :”You know what else I’ve found? These business owners tend to be pretty grateful, too. They’re not the sort to take things for granted. They appreciate their customers. They remember the people who gave them a break or bit of encouragement along the way. They’re glad to have had a chance in life, and they love to provide a chance to someone else.” Because we all know that those people don’t exist.
Brown doesn’t mention that yesterday he voted against extending the middle-class tax cuts that would have put more money in consumers pockets and those small business owners making less than $250,000 per year. This attitude probably explains why he voted 3 times against some version of the American Jobs Act; he doesn’t believe guv’mnt should “build that.”
Then he voted against the “Small Business Inovation Research and Technology Transfer Bill. But in the spirit of bi-partisanship, he first sponsored it and then said the bill is “incredibly important for Massachusetts” before he tanked it. As we all know by now everything Senator Brown says is incredible.
Brown was seized by the hob goblin of consistency when he voted 8 times to not extend unemployment aid to 30,000 Massachusetts residents because, you know, if small business and big businesses can do it on their own, so can you.
I just wonder how successful Senator Brown would be without voters.
johnk says
Sargent summed up Brown’s jobs platform
I’m reading Brown’s Op-Ed and does anyone see his plan to grow the economy?
Bottom line, Scott Brown has nothing, no ideas, no policies, nothing. If he had any ideas this Op-Ed would highlight his vision on how to grow the economy, but he doesn’t, he instead is pushing this made up non-sense. Warren should focus on how Brown is really clueless and has offered nothing.
sabutai says
He is doing his best to keep one person from becoming unemployed…
whosmindingdemint says