Matthew May, who called the first African American President of the United States a “man-child” on the editorial page of the Eagle Tribune, is back:
A vote for incumbent president Barack Obama in November is a vote against the United States Constitution and for one’s own enslavement.
Old timers tell me the ET was once a great newspaper. That must have been a very long time ago.
Please share widely!
Restoration: The God and Country Education Project succinctly presents the ambitious plan put forth by a group of Christian patriots to establish the American Christian Academies, a network of privately-funded schools offering a classical liberal education based upon the fundamental principles of faith, stewardship, and citizenship found in the Bible and the United States Constitution. If you have been wondering what you can do to improve American education and embolden the American cause, read this book.
And this guy thinks he knows what is constitutional?
… ‘privately funded’ whackaloon schools would be constitutional.
but is voting for Obama unconstitutional?
bio. Aside from his blog posts, I can’t figure out who he is. Does he live in Massachusetts, for example?
who posts at the right-wing blog American Thinker, evidently a favorite of Rush Limbaugh’s. He’s got an obsession with racism, but only because it’s perpetrated by blacks:
If anyone wants more of this guy’s fringiness, go to the American Thinker and search it. I won’t link to it.
I was going to quote some of the Disqus comments posted there from Brown’s base – but, well… ewwwww.