Vice President Biden said today that Mitt Romney’s regulatory policies will put people “in chains,” a comment the Romney campaign denounced as “a new low.”
At a campaign rally in Danville, Va., Biden quoted Romney as saying that “in the first hundred days he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules — unchain Wall Street.
“They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” Biden added, presumably referring to Romney and new running mate Paul Ryan.
I know, I know… that’s not what Biden meant… save it. Obama should apologize to America for this joke of a VP. What a dope!
Please share widely!
johnk says
— Paul Ryan
Maybe Mitt will pull his head of of his a** long enough to actually talk about his positions (and you know actually stick to them for more than a week).
Christopher says
Maybe a bit hyperbolic, but I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard that this or that initiative, especially Obamacare, would take away our freedom, make us slaves, etc. Besides, if you like Christie for telling it like it is, then you should at least appreciate Biden even if you don’t agree.
kbusch says
Most Democratic rhetoric sounds snoring boring
Except on days when Biden goes soaring
His lines are pointed, edgy, hyperbolic
He makes Republicans sad and rather colic.
Sober Republicans compare us to Greece,
Prefer default to a raised debt ceiling,
Say Obama travels just to appease.
Isn’t their extremism unappealing?
Mr. Lynne says
… considered a valuable commodity (usually over valued) and should be taken whenever possible.
methuenprogressive says
and your fellow Republicans, to be “outraged” over today. It’s always amusing to hear what the low-information voters are squealing about.
jconway says
He tried a black accent and sounded like Al Jolson. Had Romney done that he’d be crucified and no the language of slavery should never be used casually by either party. No policy from any government or party can compare to the indignity of three hundred years of chattel slavery in this country.
The Tea Party uses this rhetoric to undermine historic strides against slavery and racism and to make the racist point that blacks are dependent on government welfare and “slaves” to the government. We should not use the same hyperbolic rhetoric that trivializes slavery to make cheap political pints frankly nothing our country does can be as black of a stain as that indignity which Lincoln pointed out we paid a great blood atonement to correct. Now I am not agreeing with JohnD that the double standard charge absolves race baiting Republicans that use this rhetoric but u was offended by what Bideb said and frankly embarrassed he said it, especially the way he said it.
johnd says
My party is guilty of things for sure but the partisan blowoff of incidents like this is disappointing. You are correct that Mitt Romney would be evicerated by Democrats, Liberals, minorities, NAACP and every other organization… and rightly so.
I watched the ED Show (someone stick an ice pick in my head to put me out of my misery) and he was so emphatic about this being a non-issue and ROmney over-reacted. And then he played the clip but stop the audio right at the end of Biden’s comments… before the crowd (which was 40% black) could make the disturbing Oohs and Aahs showing their surprise/disgust with Biden saying this.
Thanks for being a standup person about this issue.
centralmassdad says
I think I heard what jconway heard when I heard it, without the denunciation lineup.
Since then, I have re-evaluated, given that the people most offended seem to be Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giuliani, the great protectors of our age of minority sensibilities. Now I am inclined to dismiss the outrage as FoxNews’ need to fill 20 hours of airspace over the next three days.
johnd says
“… back in chains.” so he clearly was race baiting.
Christopher says
I just saw a clip of Biden saying this and I detected no black accent. He said y’all, which is Southern dialect, but even that wasn’t much accented.
jconway says
I don’t think I try too hard to find balance, at least lately, but perhaps it my Cambridge upbringing but I really get suncerely appalled by the trivialization of slavery and the best way to disarm that rhetoric on the right is to condemn it-not adapt it, and certainly not in that wince inducing accent. Biden has had racial issues in the past with clean articulate and the 7/11 line but I do attribute it to old age and being from Lilly white Delaware. The difference with Republicans is they use this language intentionally in coded ways for an audience more sympathetic to racist arguments and I did not mean to make an equivalency there. But I was a gaffe and now allows their side to get away with it. It will also be forgotten in a weeks time in this depressingly cynical cyclic campaign.