Elizabeth Warren will address the Democratic National Convention this Wednesday night, and we will be watching it together! Our viewing party starts at 8pm at our local headquarters at 46 Mass Ave in Lexington. Please RSVP to rsvp@arlingtonforelizabeth.com so we know how many people to plan for.
Do you have time the following day? We’ll be out at the polling locations to sign up supporters and recruit volunteers on Thursday, the State Primary election. The busiest times are from 7-9 am and 3-8 pm. To sign up for a time and location, contact heather@arlingtonforelizabeth.com.
Hope to see you Wednesday night!
P.S. Here are more upcoming opportunities to help Elizabeth in Arlington:
- Tuesday, September 4 and 11 at 6:30 for phone banking September 8 at 11 am for canvassing or calling from the office
- September 15 at Town Day to sign up supporters
- Any Wednesday afternoon at the Arlington Farmer’s Market for supporter signup.
- RSVP to heather@arlingtonforelizabeth.com for all of these except the Farmer’s Market, which is rsvp@arlingtonforelizabeth.com.
Check out the events page on the campaign website for convention watch parties, canvasses, phonebanks, and visibilities in your area.
The regional office in Lexington (46 Mass Ave) is supporting Democratic campaigns from the top to the bottom of the ballot. If the days/times for Warren events posted by lynpb above do not work for you, stop by the office and see even more Warren volunteer opportunities If you’ve been itching to go canvass in NH or make some calls there for the President, and you’ve been looking for others to do it with, that’s another good reason to stop by.
Insert a period after “opportunities”. Thank you.