[Cross-posted from the ProgressMass blog. Like ProgressMass on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.]
On the campaign trail, Republican Scott Brown calls himself a “jobs crusader” despite voting against tens of thousands of jobs for Massachusetts. Brown calls himself “pro-choice” despite an 80% anti-choice voting record. We would have to hire NASA to calculate the distance between Republican Scott Brown’s misleading rhetoric on the campaign trail and his real record in Washington D.C.!
Republican Scott Brown owes Massachusetts the truth about his record. Instead, Brown misleads us on issue after issue. Brown said he believes in fair pay despite voting against the Paycheck Fairness Act! Brown claimed oil companies don’t get subsidies despite his vote to protect $24 Billion in tax subsidies for – you guessed it – oil companies! Brown alleged that he didn’t want banks to “act like casinos with our money;” yet, he watered down Wall Street regulations, giving banks more leeway to act like casinos with our money! The list goes on and on.
Hold Republican Scott Brown accountable for misleading Massachusetts about his record! Here’s what you can do:
1) Visit BothWaysBrown.com to get the facts!
2) Copy and paste the following message in your Facebook status to share the website with your Facebook friends:
On far too many issues, Republican Scott Brown takes one position when he talks, but takes the opposite position when he votes! Read all about it at http://www.BothWaysBrown.com/ and please Share the link! #BothWaysBrown
3) Copy and paste the following message to tweet to your tweet-peeps on Twitter:
#BothWaysBrown Republican Scott Brown tries to have it Both Ways on every issue! Read all about it: http://www.BothWaysBrown.com/ | #masen #mapoli
4) Download our handy two-page #BothWaysBrown PDF document laying out Republican Scott Brown’s many contradictions and share the information with your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.
Republican Scott Brown will do all he can to mislead Massachusetts about his real record. The best weapon to prevent Brown’s deception is you sharing the facts and holding him accountable! Don’t let Republican Scott Brown get away with it.
We’re having ProgressMass on tomorrow on LeftAhead at 4pm, where we’ll be talking about this report and other matters Scott Brown.
Just an FYI.
Brown talked about transparency shortly after being elected, something like no more back room deals: rhetoric
While in office he voted twice against the DISCLOSE Act, which would have let voters know who was making big donations to whom: record.