It has been hysterical watching Scott Brown flee Mitt Romney, especially the five minutes of Twitter time where in it looked like Brown retract his endorsement of the former governor. However, Brown did, after what must been a longer deliberation in his camp, did distance himself from Romney’s 47% remark.
Brown, however, has a problem. A big one. The host of that fundraiser in which Romney was recorded has maxed out to Brown, too. Another guest gave at least $1000 to Brown. The host’s company’s PAC gave Brown money as did at least one company employee. Wealthy Floridians donating to Brown may not mean anything, except in the context of this video. Brown encounters similar audience as Romney does. What is Brown saying to them?
We do not know for certain, but we do know, what Brown is capable of given how his campaign has been run, which leads up to wonder, if Brown were the one in that cellphone video, would his comments have been any different?
For more on this, please check out the full report here.