Checking the Box
Junior Brown’s famed Grecian locks
Conceal a head full of rocks
While congress stagnates
His campaign obviates
All for the checking of the box.
Things aren’t always as they appear
Like the Senator having a beer
When he pulled it too soon
In that local saloon
He was miffed that Reid made him come here.
It’s as plain as the nose on her face
That Brown is losing the race
He is not a nice guy
In a suit and a tie
So he tries to rile up the base.
Says Brown she’s no Cherokee!
Why she is as white as me!
She won’t show me her files
So there’s something to hide
It’s the only explanation, you see.
As his gaze hit the side of her face
The professor gave not a trace
It’s a family trait
Not an object of hate
And it’s clear junior Brown has no case.
No matter how often Brown mocks
Claiming Warren was being a fox
Brown’s problem is with gender
So to the Senate we’ll send her
At the polls we’ll be checking the box.
Christopher says
It looks like you have competition!:)
John Tehan says
Racist antics by Senator Brown’s staff
On the news, they looked like quite the gaffe
But while they looked lame
Warren brought her A-game
At the polls, we will have the last laugh!
petr says
Scott Browns campaign let out a Cherokee Whoop!
hoping to rally in one swell foop
to distract from the issues
but it winds up he wishes
that his campaign wasn’t really F-Troop!!
Without “Kraxy Khazei” to kick around
Fernstrom will do someone else Brown
old school rat-fucker
low-down dirt mucker
of infamous and dastardly renown.
Elizabeth Waren is proudest to be
descendant of Noble Cherokee
but Brown calls foul
and sets up to howl:
“She looks like a race traitor to me!!”
Once Brown goes on the attack
Nice guy image is likely to crack
he’ll jump in his truck
all outta luck
revealed as no more than a hack .
Brown, by fate, is indecisive
and Warren in debate is incisive
which makes Brown down
and floundering around
but too late with the big shiv
whosmindingdemint says
sabutai says
Anti-worker in Mass? This guy’s just plain tone deaf.
Too busy begging money from guys richer than Hef.
The polls say Brown’s well on his way out,
So his next job? Well there isn’t a doubt
Scott’s a perfect fit to work as a replacement NFL ref.