We are pleased to announce the launch of the parody video, “I am the Very Model of a Muddleheaded Candidate”. The piece is based on “I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General” from “The Pirates of Penzance”, and stars Mitt Romney as the Muddleheaded Candidate. The video may be viewed here. A companion website has just launched as well.
Yours Truly is in the chorus, putting her mouth where her money is. If you approve this message, please share, tweet, email, etc. Help avert disaster.
Please share widely!
perry41 says
perry41 says
links didn’t post.
David says
perry41 says
perry41 says
youtube is OK
website is not
your help will be appreciated
John Tehan says
Your link is missing the “http://” – edit the post, click on the HTML editor and add those characters after the a href=”
perry41 says
I think I’ve got it!
davemb says
I have forwarded this to the cast and crew of Valley Light Opera’s _Patience_, performing 3, 4, 9, and 10 November at the Academy
of Music in Northampton MA, further info at “vlo.org”.