There is an amazing article at the Daily Beast today (Andrew Sullivan’s blog) about how right-wing Trolls are actively trying to destroy the Bear Hug Guy for having the nerve to be a registered Republican but think like an independent human being. I would hope we can remember this the next time we are told not to be too mean and pick on the “conservative” trolls here.
Please share widely!
I hate em
The polls have swung Obama’s way so there is not much to taunt us with for the last several days. Hopefully that trend will continue.
Personally I don’t believe there are all that many people who genuinely like Romney. We see tons of attacks on Obama from trolls here, but almost no praise of Romney or his policies (probably because he doesn’t actually have any that are well enough defined to actually describe). At some point, if Republicans start to perceive Obama as winning this race, they may find it harder to pretend not to notice Romney’s flip-flops, tax issues, problems interacting with human beings, and outright lies.
When up in the polls in 2008, there was a lot of trollish complaining about Obama-mania. Also, there are a lot of people from the knuckle-dragging wing of conservatism who cannot believe that a Democrat could ever legitimately be elected President. That believe can give one enough ammunition for a mountain of troll crap.
…has finally been shown the door. His last comment was from 9/9, a reply to my post wherein I asked the editors to get rid of him for insinuating that Kate Donaghue should have had a criminal background check before going to the DNC.
Unless he has a static IP address they can block, it would be hard to prevent him from coming back under a different pseudonym.
that he made an even worse comment that was deleted.
I am curious having wasted hours fighting back against his trolling, and his being half the inspiration for “Screw You Guys: I am going home” post (the other half being “Dont-Get-Cute”.
Is there some way that we can find out what finally brought about this “Salvation from Heaven”? Either an email or some downloadable PDF somewhere. Just curious!
The employment situation in Waltham has no doubt improved markedly.
is now available
How nice.
I was on vacation without Internet that week. A lot of good discussion eventually happened there, and I’m glad if the mods eventually saw the light and stopped some of the inanity.