Scrolling down from the first story just now, I spied an ad for Romney, Paid for by Romney Victory, Inc.
So does this mean that if we actually click on the ad, we get to cost money to Romney and does some of that money go to BMG?
Sounds cool to me.
Please share widely!
that’s exactly what it means. By all means, click through with abandon! đŸ™‚
Ha, ha. You must be interested in Romney here because you talk about him constantly.
Let project: fund BMG begin.
Just so everyone is aware, this is such a thing called “click fraud”, or the idea that there is a pre-meditated effort to keep clicking internet ads in order to overstate interest in said ad and/or to generate revenue for a website.
One thing that could happen (and I have no idea what the odds are that it will) is that AdChoices or whoever could stop doing business with BMG.
I’m not telling anyone what to do, just giving you all an FYI.
But they’d have to be immensely perceptive to notice what little impact we could have. Perhaps I’m going to his website because I am interested in what he to say, so I can use it as fodder for our discussions?