In order to push the green energy message forward, as well as a sound economic message, I am going to vote for Jill Stein for President. Since Massachusetts is strong for President Obama, this would be the state to show electoral support for the green energy message. If Jill Stein can pull in a good showing of support, it will strike the fear of God in Democrats, who continue their weak actions toward ending reliance on fossil fuels. It’s the vote that matters, and if we don’t show our voice in our vote, then nothing will ever change. We can show increased support for clean energy, and still let President Obama win Massachusetts. Let’s do it. Vote Jill Stein for President.
Help Push the Green Energy Message Forward
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I may also vote for Jill Stein, whom I know slightly, but I have no illusions that it will move Dem or Repug pols one iota. You don’t get green energy by voting. You get green energy by insulating your house, installing solar, planting a garden and doing other practical things. You can do them in groups with weatherization and solar barnraising such as the ones that HEET and Coop Power organize or on your own but talk about them loudly at the bus stop and in the public square. Just casting a ballot for a third party candidate destined to win zero electoral votes is not a way to create real change.
is important. It shows there is support for the platform. Letting them ride along with the 1% of the vote they’ve been getting shows our elected officials and the general public the 1% who find it important enough to vote for it can be readily ignored and it’s not a problem.
I don’t’ like it at all, and it seems the high cost of oil is causing more of it. I guess it burns cleaner but it is destroying the physical aspect of our earth more than coal mining and drilling for oil.
Only one more post and your clean energy message will no longer be marginalized, it will have disappeared entirely!
you didn’t just suggest people are posting – on a blog – not because they want to discuss things happening in the political universe, but because everyone on BMG wants to silence your call for clean energy. And I’ll put your post back on the comments list.
I support clean energy and a real energy policy. I’m very worried about global warming and very disappointed in the Obama administration, and Democrats generally, on this issue. And on other issues. But Jill Stein, whatever her virtues, is not a meaningful factor in this year’s race.
I can’t buy into the premise that more votes for her will move the conversation much. Ralph Nader got 6% of the Presidential vote in Massachusetts in 2000. He got my vote, on the same theory you have advanced – the state was safe for Democrats anyway. And no movement on issues important to Nader voters.
Even if Al Gore had gone into the White House, I am pretty sure 6% in Massachusetts and a smaller percentage in some other states would not have placed Nader issues at the top of the agenda. It’s unfortunate but it’s true. We’ll have to win citizens over to a more serious position on these issues, but I don’t see how voting Stein gets you there.