Elizabeth Warren’s smackdown of Scott on women’s issues was defintiely the highlight of debate #3.
Now she needs to do the same for Labor – here is my first point – let’s write it out for her.
The National Labor Relations Board basically sets the ground rules for labor union organizing nationwide. Under president Bush, its membership declined below the level needed to move any policies forward. Scott Brown rushed down to Washington to vote to stop President Obama from filling these vacancies with fair-minded appointments. He had once chance to stand up for labor and stood against them.
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senator Brown, do you support the Republican National Committee platform’s position on labor rights, which calls for “enactment of a National Right-to-Work law” that would instantly make every state a right-to-work state and make the U.S. a right-to-work country?
to describe it? “Right to work” is a phrase that makes my blood boil, but it’s the conservative framing.
Conservatives hate free-riders, and my understanding is that the problem with right-to-work is that it allows workers to benefit from union negotiations without paying dues. I agree that framing is a problem since I too would agree that one should have the right to join or not join a union by personal decision.
not as snazzy on a bumper sticker as “Right to Work.”
They have, via Supreme Court decision, a First Amendment right to free association, which means not joining and not even paying for political spending they don’t like (which is more than shareholders or consumers or employees of a company can say).
But they still have a right to equal representation even though, in “right to work” states, they have no duty or incentive to contribute through dues.
Spending on politics is one thing, but dues to pay for bargaining/process grievances is not the same. I wonder what, if any case says Unions can be compelled to do something without payment, a taking if you will indirectly under federal law. Unions have to protect non-paying members as much as paying members. Seems like being compelled to pay for something that some pay for and others do not.