“Let me warn you and let me warn the Nation, against the smooth evasion that says, ‘Of course we believe these things; we believe in social security; we believe in work for the unemployed; we believe in saving homes. Cross our hearts and hope to die, we believe in all these things; but we do not like the way the present Administration is doing them. Just turn them over to us. We will do all of them – we will do more of them, we will do them better; and, most important of all, the doing of them will not cost anybody anything.”
FDR’s 1936 speech to the New York State Democratic Convention.
The GOP lie, in a nutshell.
Obama is depending on people’s intelligence. Romney is depending on their ignorance.
Wake up America!
Romney is saying so many contradictory things within hours of each other that he seems to be counting on conservatives believing he is who he claimed to be during the primaries, and they’ll give him a pass to pretend otherwise in order to defeat Obama; and swing voters believing he’s really the moderate governor he said he was in Mass and he’s suddenly claiming to be again this week, and assuming he just said all that severe conservative stuff to win the nomination. He wants both sides to believe he’s really standing with them.
Given the frequent human tendency to absorb data that confirms an already-held belief and to discount data that contradicts what we believe, this is actually a scary strategy for electing a pathological liar. Romney needs to be hammered hard that he is untrustworthy. I was glad Biden asked about trust, just as FDR did.
I just wanted to mention that whosmindingdemint put up this great clip just a little while ago. The embedded version is great, so that more folks can see and hear it.