Thank Goodness for the outspoken voices of Chrystia Freeland and Matt Taibbi, as well as the media access provided by Bill Moyers & Company and PBS. Can we get this message out on the campaign trail?
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
I can’t do anything–log in, post, comment – unless I use Firefox. When I embed a video in Firefox, I can’t tell if it’s embedded correctly unless I visit the webpage through Internet Explorer. So I attempted to embed a video in a comment while using Firefox and it didn’t work, as noted when I went to Internet Explorer and saw that it’s not here. So much technology, so little collaboration and effort to make it work in an efficient way.
On the substance, it’s definitely time to start talking about this. The campaign dances around it, with Obama going only far enough to bash the idea of tax cuts for millionaires.
The wealthiest 1 or 2 percent had a stranglehold on wealth and power in this country before the 2008 crash they caused, and their wealth and power has only grown since then. It’s scary.
i honestly cannot believe this is happening. It’s almost like living in a horror movie. You can see how America has been taken over. Even our elections. The Commission on Presidential Debates has pretty much ended any hope for free and fair elections. Jill Stein getting arrested and handcuffed to a chair for 8 hours and absolutely no media reporting on it just sort of seals the deal. She is a valid presidential candidate, who has qualified for federal matching funds and is on the ballot in enough states to win the Electoral College. Yet she was arrested and handcuffed to a chair for 8 hours. Something is terribly wrong with that.