[Post’s title has been edited for clarity. -ed.]
If you can judge people by the company they keep, Scott Brown’s in trouble. Huffington Post reports that a local construction worker who appeared in Brown recent campaign ad about — what else — the Travelers/asbestos case, has a Facebook page full of offensive stuff.
Some of the highlights from the past month or two (almost all of this up before Brown’s ad was filmed):
- Paging Lynne: He called Elizabeth Warren a “douchebag” and invited her to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
- He called Obama a “faggot” and said “we have a Muslim in the White House”
- He called his alma mater, Brandeis, “Jew U.” Full quote: “I attended Brandeis. Jew U. Great school. the people, not so much. One thing I learned is that Jews have a persecution complex and they hate themselves. That is why I believe they vote for liberals.”
- Racially insensitive “dialect” and references to “slaves in the Democratic plantation” in discussion of the black voters who support Obama because he gives them all free cell phones
- Would support Allen West for president
- Called the Obama administration “pure evil”
- Another “douchebag” reference for Janeane Garafolo: “The day I wake up, turn on the news to find that that (creatively spelled c-word) was involved in a bizzare meat grinder accident that chopped up her already rotten carcass will be a great day for me. ;-)” Apparently in this guy’s world “douchebag” should be applied primarily, if not exclusively, to women.
- Naturally he blames Warren for the nasty tone of the Senate race.
I wish I could say I’m surprised by this, but I’m not.
Of course, Brown isn’t just an ass by association. He’s done plenty to make clear he’s a jerk in his own right. Today he’s even walking back his lame apology for falsely claiming the relatives of asbestos victims in Warren’s ads were paid actors. You see, it’s all Warren’s fault for “representing those large corporations against those victims.” Thus, this whole flap is “unfair” to Scott. If Warren hadn’t worked on a case that’s complex enough for Scott to lie about, she wouldn’t have defended her record, and he wouldn’t have been forced to lie about her defense of her record. Got that?
Step 1: Cynically distort facts.
Step 2: Lie about the people who call you out for cynical distortion of facts.
Step 3: Blame opponent when caught in lie about the people who called you out for cynical distortion of facts.
Step 4: Repeat your original cynical distortions.
Step 5: Repeat Step 4 until the election’s over.
Ya gotta wonder, with the amount of facetime our angry friend has in the Brown ad, did Brown’s staff actually bother to vet this gimoke?
They either didn’t or they were so desperate to get a union guy in their ad, they overlooked his “flaws.”
File this under: Self-inflicted Wound
I remember an ad that came out a couple of weeks ago with lots of supposed real people talking trash about Warren. One day it was one set of people and the next day a couple of new guys were spliced in, same ad, but a couple new heads. What happened, did one of his supporters get caught taking a leak on a Warren lawn sign?
his facebook page isn’t, apparently, fully public!
in one reference as it has been used here as well. But it seems that this guy as amassed an impressive collection of stupid. Seems to be in Scott Brown’s wheelhouse.
used the term in response to Brown’s perpetuating specific patterns of misrepresentation, despite their having been shown to be misleading. This guy used it because, I guess, he just hates all Democrats or liberals.
I still do not understand the right’s obsession with her. It’s been, what, eight years since she was on the radio? Her political appearances at this point amount to the occasional guest spot on some unwatched show on Current TV maybe? I don’t get it.
Good point!
The Nation, for the Republicans, enemies are fungible. This clown seems to have not want to trade up.
Excuse me, but did we not just have a lively posting called Proof Positive Scott Brown is a Douchebag Liar. I’m just saying.
shouldn’t like it now. Paging EB-3 and co.
I don’t think that word, taken alone, is such a big deal (though I generally don’t use it myself). But here it’s completely out of thin air (he uses it not in response to anything in particular, but just because he doesn’t like her). Much more importantly it’s joined by all this other crap.
It’s true, Scott’s got his real supporters in his ad. No paid actors there.
and all that.
I just want to hold onto being able to write:
* tiny brained wiper of other people’s bottoms,
* snotty-faced pile of parrot droppings,
* Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberriies,
* I fart in your general direction.
It would make me said if these became unacceptable.

It would make me SAD.
I’m certainly glad the Brown campaign isn’t using paid actors in the advertisements. That’s a relief.
But let’s be specific…I used the term “douchebag liar” for which I have many, many facts to back me up on.
only because plain old “liar” just did not cover the depths to which he has sunk.
Who are the other people in this ad? You can help with the research, if you recognize anybody. Compare their images with pictures on facebook or the Internet. For example, who is the guy who claims he is a “life long democrat”? It would be really great if somebody could discover that Brown is using paid actors! You can help by doing the research!