Sheila Bair, appointed by George W. Bush to the FDIC, will be endorsing and campaigning for Elizabeth Warren, the Wall Street Journal reports.
“Ms. Bair, a Republican, said she has never campaigned for a Democrat before but felt strongly that Ms. Warren would do a good job if elected to the post. The two worked together during the financial crisis, often arguing for more government programs to help homeowners and consumers.”
All you voters looking for someone who can reach across the aisle to get things done in Washington, please take note: Just one example of how Elizabeth Warren worked effectively with a Republican in Washington to help average Americans.
So effectively, in fact, that the Republican is crossing party lines for her first time ever to work to get a Democrat elected, even though she says she has “nothing bad to say about Brown.” It’s just that Bair has seen up close what a great people’s champion Warren is, and what a great Senator she’ll be.
a “crossover” that is genuinely glad the person they are endorsing is running…not an endorsement that is inevitable (Rep Nangle, Flynn, etc) cuz they are sucky Dems to begin with (ie, not Dems) or about local politics (Councilor RIta Mercier, who is just having a hissy fit because Mayor Murphy endorsed and is working to elect Warren).
It’s from a Republican who has worked closely with Elizabeth Warren to get something important accomplished in Washington.
Some voters seem to confuse “having strong beliefs about working for average Americans” with being a hardline partisan who can’t get anything done. Nobody showed how wrong this is more than Ted Kennedy. Bair’s endorsement shows that Elizabeth Warren, too, works effectively with people from both major political parties, not only Democrats.
rebut the idea Scott’s been pushing that she’s a fire-breathing communist. I wonder how many people will even become aware of it, though. The post says she’ll be campaigning. Do you think there will be an ad cut?
and Warren has achieved bi-partisan support.
For sure Sheila Bair has a great reputation for her work at the FDIC. However Elizabeth Warren is not the only one who is receiving her support. Chairperson Bair is especially interested in getting Republican women into the Senate. These include backing Linda McMahon, WWE executive in Connecticut and Heather Wilson, running for Senate in New Mexico. It is interesting that this crossover represents a mixed bag. I would take it more as a letter of recommendation by someone who knows EW’s work. It is almost refreshingly apolitical and based more on merit by someone who knows the real deal.