Jobs question: Warren begins with hit on Brown voting against jobs bill. Investments and building a future.
SB: Thanks Mayor Ryan (no bump) for his endorsement. Defends votes against jobs bills and brings it to point about govt. taking money out of the economy. ( I used to live here….? Huh? When? News to me.)
Warren: Hits back with the first vote of Brown against jobs. Senator Brown made it clear that he stood with the millionaires and not working people.
Brown hits again on theme of money going to Washington. Third vote was bi-partisan jobs vote.
CRISP beginning.
Jim Madigan is also crisper and speaking more quickly than is his usual style. Steers question to health care…positiion on fee for service?
Brown responds: 98% of children are insured in Commonwealth and proud of working on that as a state senator. 18 new taxes with new health care. Incentivize other states but not have the federal govt. tell the best doctors in theworld how we control it.
Scott Brown has made it clear that he would repeal Affordable Care Act….going backwards. Brought in Mitt Romney and outbreak of applause. (That’s the key for her to push – my edit….She calls him Senator Brown and I wonder why the team has not instructed and practiced that he is Scott Brown? – my edit). She answered Madigan’s question as being proud to be from Massachusetts.
Brown – jobs crushing bill.
Warren – AARP has made it clear that the changes for medicare do not cut by even one penny. It is good for us in MA.
Warren – college debt…..highest industry in western MA…..soaring costs…..went to commuter college and became a professor because America invested in eduction. 4 great community colleges…precision technology with well educated workforce….public universities…..this is about priorities. Some technical difficulties with station switched from PBS to ch. 3.
Brown’s daughters went to private elite high school and private colleges (as did he – Tufts and BC) and he empathizes with parents and school costs. Scott looks tired. There she goes again……condescending fart (my edit)
Warren: I went to a commuter college…I am proud to have made it. America was investing in public education…loopholes for millionaires or working people.
Brown stumps on his bipartisan work on keeping interest low….”me and my leadership.”
Role of federal govt. in education?
Brown: as a state senator worked to get funding, working with Sec Duncan and President Obama….high cost of education “her constant criticisms on me……: Pauvre Scottie – my edit… much victimization persona – my edit.
Warren clarifies the question. Proud to be from MA and our kids can do well and we can do better. Taking the high road in tone and we need a good federal partner in Washington. Govt can put money into STEM. I want to make clear full support for head start and early education. Our moral responsibility.
Brown: we agree….I am from here…..blabs about his record of Selectman, State Rep….. Stopped before he made anypoints.
Warren: pounce……glad he agrees…..Republicans are going after the basics of education, infrastructure and research.
Deficit question:
Warren: We are going to have to take a balanced approach. Realign our priorities. I will not go to Washington to cut medicare or SS benefits. Spending cuts and increasing revenues. Independent economists more effective plan than Brown to cut the deficit.
Brown: 16 Trillion national debt. Borrowing to cut military spending…he hit strong local points about Westover and Barnes ARB. On point with circling back to Obamacare……I have never voted for a tax increase????? FACT CHECK….ROMNEY FEES of the 2003 era…..Brown voted how?????
Warren: Gov. Romney’s playbook……(gotta love it! – my edit).