For the first time in 24 years, neither presidential candidate discussed climate change in any of the presidential debates, and the issue has been minimally referenced in the Brown/Warren Senate race here in Massachusetts. To counter this, Massachusetts residents have gathered together to demand greater attention from politicians and the media on the greatest threat facing our future.

Participation in the vigil has ranged from the the faithful, with United Church of Christ Minister Reverend Reebee Girash leading the group in a grounding meditation to the folksy, with Marla Marcum and Dean Stevens leading the group in singing “Gentle Angry People” and other songs.
Throughout the vigil, many passersby have stopped to talk to vigillers, signed the guest book, expressed appreciation and pledged to return later in the the week. Words have been exchanged in Spanish and Swahili and donations have poured in in the forms of food and gave the group $20 to buy coffee.
Around 10pm on the first evening, a family from Kenya emerged from the T at Government Center and made a b-line to participants of the Vigil. They excitedly shared that they volunteer for at home and were thrilled to meet Americans standing up to address the climate crisis.
The Brown and the Warren Campaigns have been receiving phone calls from each 3-hour shift of the Vigil to urge them to end their climate silence during the last debate on October 30th.
Although a nasty climate disaster could be in the works for later in the vigil, the weather has been mild and warm, and spirits have been high.
All are welcome to join the round-the-clok vigil at Government Center through October 30th at noon, when vigillers will have a final rally and head over to the final Warren/Brown debate.
More to come!
I know ’cause I have been dropping on by. Plenty of friends have been there, too, though I only drop by for an hour or two so I am sure I don’t see everyone. That light weight back packing stool with telescoping legs sure comes in handy! And yes, the environment matters to me. I am not a single issue Democrat or a single issue voter.