Scott Brown tells us we know not what we do in casting out such a fine specimen of that endangered species, the Senate moderate. He also noted he’s part of another vanishing breed, the “moderate, pro-choice Republican.” Question: does “pro-choice” require just saying the words, or does it require something more, like voting to protect reproductive rights when issues arise. Naturally, Scott reiterates that he thinks John Kerry would be a fantastic Secretary of State. That would open the door for Scott to run again.
Meanwhile, Mitt Romney echoes Bill O’Reilly in suggesting that Obama won the election essentially by bribing the young, poor, uninsured, and those who are friends of “illegals” and their children with big federal giveaways. Such as access to health insurance and contraception, and the chance to be a citizen of the only country most “Dream Act” children can remember living in.
I’ll bet at this point he thinks Warren would make a dandy head of CFPB, too.
Harry Reid gives Scott an earful on his way out the door.
doesn’t much care if the door hits Scott on his way out the door. No love lost.
when one of his campaign contributors pleads the 5th in front of a congressional hearing, hey.