More scumbaggery from the ET:
State representative, 18th Essex District: We favor Jim Lyons, the Republican incumbent. Lyons, with his no-holds-barred conservatism, has been a thorn in the side of the entrenched Beacon Hill culture. His opponent, Democrat Barbara L’Italien, has been a participant in one of the more obscene examples of political patronage we’ve witnessed. Voted out as the 18th Essex representative two years ago, L’Italien’s political allies parked her in a $100,000-a-year, make-work job at the state treasury until she was ready to run again. Outrageous!
What is “outrageous” is that her job fell within the existing structure of the Treasury where there was already in place a three-person government affairs team. The hyperbole above, skipping over the true nutbaggery of Tax Cheatin‘ Jimmy Lyons, is a lie.
“I picked the best person I knew and the best person I could find,” Steven Grossman said of Barbara L’Italien.
The Eagle Tribune actually broke the “Jim Lyons Is A Tax Cheat” – just days after he won the 2010 Republican primary, apparently sitting on the story until after the election to assist the candidate they endorsed.
I still am in wonder that, in so Democratic a state, we have so many right-wing newspapers.
called Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., they own hundreds of newspapers in the east. The ET isn’t really a ‘Massachusetts’ newspaper.
There’s no such thing as a “local paper” anymore. They were essentially forced to consolidate or die.
Gatehouse Media is an even bigger player in Massachusetts. Any newspaper whose website is “” is owned by them:
No. More like — Jim Lyons: The Dog Ate My Homework.
(Being a “thorn in the side” usually requires that you have an idea for a bill before you file it.)