On Election Day, voters in Massachusetts and across the nation made their voices heard loud and clear. We voted to put people back to work and rebuild the middle class. We rejected the failed Romney-Brown vision for our economy, and instead elected leaders like Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama who will fight for working people and create jobs right here in America.
Just two days after ballots were cast, more than 300 people gathered at the Dudley Branch Library in Roxbury to make sure that our message was not ignored.
Speakers took a moment to celebrate the 99%”s victory that Election Day, but cautioned that the fight was far from over. Among them was Boston City Councilor Felix Arroyo, who laid out the terms for the looming budget battle in Washington.
“Voters sent a clear message on Tuesday – that we will not put vital public services on the chopping block to protect tax breaks for billionaires and Big Oil companies,” said Arroyo. “We won a big battle, but we can’t afford to stop there. We have to make sure the politicians in Washington got the message.”
Right now, Congress is tackling issues that will have long-term effects on our economy. If our elected leaders listen to the message we sent on Election Day and act responsibly, they will pass legislation to create jobs, raise revenue and protect vital services that help support working families and seniors. It’s up to us to hold them accountable.
We’re sending a message to Congress to tell them to focus on job creation and economic growth — not devastating cuts that will cripple our economy. And they can start right now by extending the tax cuts for the middle class.