Please vote Yes on Question 3: medical marijuana alleviates suffering and improves the lives of many of us facing cancer, intractable pain, multiple scleroris, etc. The Metrowest Daily News editorialized in favor of Question 3 noting that current policies deny an effective treatment for people suffering with serious illnesses.
I am one of those people, and I am counting on your support for the medical marijuana initiative. I suffer from severe allodynia -a type of nerve pain where light touch creates debilitating pain. A gentle breeze can cause a deep burning sensation over the entire right side of my body. This type of pain is often resistant to treatment with available prescription drugs. Medical marijuana gives me a type of pain relief that none of the other medications provide.
Visit to see my story as well as those of other patients around the state.
By voting in favor of Question 3 on November 6, you will be helping to improve the lives of patients across the Commonwealth.