That’s it. Just gleeful that Eric’s two boys, Scott and Mitt, went down in flames tonight. Perhaps he’ll run a campaign again but tonight he’s a big LOSER.
Sorry to gloat a bit but it’s been a long time coming.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
Here’s the thing(s) about the Fehnstrom campaigns:
Even when striving for sincere, the candidates seemed phony.
Both played to their weaknesses, not their strengths…..the history of that goes back to Kerry Healey as well.
Both (GOPers) relied on their women/family to prop them up when the opponents were clearly the candidate running for office, not the wives, daughters/sons, etc.
President Obama and US Senator-elect Warren are sharp. Clearly, Warren is sharper than Brown and President Obama (with the exception of his D-game performance in the first debate) is much quicker on his toes.
The messages in the US Senate race distilled into two different election night speeches and it is not hard to figure out why we hired Elizabeth Warren.
Warren: “I will be your champion”
Brown: It’s all about me..”.I am my own man” (even as I splay my wife and daughters in every campaign pose).
I don’t like words like “evil”, and I try to use such characterizations sparingly. I can think of no better word to describe Mr. Fehrnstrom and his campaigns.
I am genuinely inspired to see the evil of Mr. Fehrnstrom so clearly repudiated. These two campaigns epitomize the gratuitous viciousness of this junkyard dog, starting at the very beginning of each. Mr. Romney’s campaign began with the egregiously dishonest misquote of Mr. Obama, a lie enthusiastically celebrated by a then-jubilant Mr. Ferhnstrom. Scott Brown opened his campaign with the similarly vicious “heritage” non-issue, and followed by his equally vicious and spectacularly dishonest attacks on her courageous legal work on behalf of victims of corporate malfeasance. I loved watching his “Professor” Warren gambit blow up in his face — most Massachusetts voters value excellence, admire Harvard, and dismiss ignorant cranks like Howie Carr and now Mr. Fehrnstrom and Mr. Brown.
Each campaign played to the most vile, most ignorant, and most base instincts of the voters. Each campaign ultimately hid the best aspects of its candidate while spotlighting the worst. Each campaign was based on open contempt for its target audience — like bad pornography, the offensiveness of each was as much in the attitudes it assumed of its audience as in its content.
Best of all, each campaign failed.
I hope that this rabid junkyard dog has been put down, at last. I hope that he is buried alongside his apparent mentor, Karl Rove (who apparently embarrassed himself similarly last night — I don’t know, I won’t watch Fox News).
I hope that the toxicity of Eric Fehrnstrom is, from now on, as apparent to his prospective clients as it has always been to his audience.
The Biggest Loser of ’em all is…
Mitch McConnell